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Thursday, August 18, 2005

W3: Wise Words on Writing -
No. 34 Writers Block

Remember the W3 piece from July ..... well the next piece is out. Im a big fan of Donna's writing. The rest of the piece is at .......
W3 Wise Words on Writing

Here is a sample of Donna's writing.......


Writers who claim writers block doesn’t exist, never had it. Those who have spent days, weeks, and months not being able to put their thoughts down on paper, know it exists.

There isn’t a writer in the world who hasn’t at one time or another had problems finding the right word or idea.

Those who write for newspapers, corporations or do other commercial writing cannot tell their bosses that they are blocked. Produce or get fired.

The rest of the piece is at .......
W3 Wise Words on Writing

Monkeys, typewriters and this chap is getting frustrated.


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