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Thursday, April 27, 2006

BBC Programme Catalogue: a huge and fascinating new resource.

The BBC Programme Catalogue is a new experimental archive from the BBC that gives us a vast new resource that can be used in a myriad of ways. It is an index of 946,614 radio and television broadcasts, dating back 75 years.

The first way it can be used is any subject you are reasearching you can immediatletly have a summary of all the BBC material on the subject. For instance a search of Felixstowe or Shakespeare reveals.

The second way is it has a way of giving you the schedules for any day in the past - a huge use for a writer trying to get the zietgiest for a day in the past http://open.bbc.co.uk/catalogue/infax/on_this_day/1999/12/31/ - fiddle with the numbers in the link to get any day you choose. If you fiddle around with the information there are ways to get information on the running order of news programmes and a myriad of other detail.

Im sure there are a dozen other ways that we can use this resource

Related links:
BBC Programme Catalogue


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