Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Jess a blog posts about us. Pleased to meet you Jess!

This like many things I do is a little later than it should have been.

A month or so ago we wrote about Leicester based NLab.

Well while having a much overdue tidy up of the template and checking a few things I found this both delightful and insightful weblog titled 'jess' that links to us.

Jess writes in her entry in Jess: [Felixstowe Scribblers]....

"A word which keeps swilling about in my head is "connections." The ability to make connections with other sites, with other narratives, with other personas... As I was pondering the importance of connections I found a site which connected to the NLab workshop. Thanks to their connection I have learnt of a new and exciting writing collective of which readers of my blog will probably be interested. Check out the Felixstowe Scribblers Weblog. Aside from the funky blog url, they blog about things of interest to, well, writers. They've blogged about writernet, something akin to NLab but geared towards dramatic writers. Have a look. "

....well thanks a lot and pleased to meet you Jess - we are sure our readers would find your weblog very interesting too. For a sample read Jess' account of theyre ' NLab Workshop day and trAce commemoration' event on 23rd June that I would have loved to attend.

Related links:
'Jess' a weblog by Jess Lacetti.
The entry in 'Jess' about us.
The nLab website.
The writernet website.


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