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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Exclusive: The Principality of Sealand is up for sale.

No link as such yet - the link takes you back to the month old sealand homepage.

The Principality of Sealand:

"Recent news
After nearly 40 years of completely independent economic, social, political, and geographic independence in the North Sea the Principality in late June of 2006 suffered a devastating fire which has crippled its infrastructure significantly. In common with other island countries, our resources here are limited; the difficulties this disaster presents are compounded by the effects upon our population and industries.
A press release covering the incident and subsequent activities may be found in the official notices section . Coverage of the damage and initial pictures may be seen [here] and the Principality is pleased to announce that it has contracted with Church and East Limited, a UK company, for the renovations and improvements following the disaster."


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