Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Tuesday, January 30, 2007



Apologies for absence: Louis, Caz, Christine, Debra, Judy, Ken, Lisa and Kay.

In attendance were Dick, Alex, Morag, Zoe, Les, Barry, Trish, Di, Liliane, Kate, Peter, Ken and Dave.


It was nice to see Kate and Diane once again.

Diane is in the final year studying for her degree and is currently working on her dissertation on the architecture and gardens of four Suffolk houses. This will keep her rather busy in the forthcoming weeks and she doesn’t expect to be able to attend another Scribblers meeting until the summer.


There was a large gathering of family, friends and Scribblers at the Cork Function Rooms on Saturday 20th helping Alex, Kay and Morag celebrate their January birthdays. Amongst those present were Diane, who enjoyed her Saturday night out, and Gordon.

has now moved to Network Rail and has found that his position takes up many hours but hopes to attend Scribblers again in February.

Dave is due to give a talk at the Ipswich branch of the Suffolk Family History Society on Ipswich Speedway. This takes place at the Robert Cross Hall, Chevallier Street, Ipswich at 7.30pm on Thursday 15th February. Admission £2.00. All welcome!



Online Scribblers are still desperately seeking an organiser to run the competitions and provide a regular update letter to members. If you are interested in helping, then please contact either Debbie or Dave.





Thanks are extended to Alex who has been posting on the site regularly and to Ken for offering to assist.

You can keep up to date by visiting the weblog where information and news is displayed. If you have any news, views or items that you would like included then please email them to Alex.


The two 1,500 word assignments were read out by Ken and Peter with Kate also adding a longer work than usual.

Ken’s untitled work was a fascinating opening to a story about a female vampire, a gripping yarn that begs to be extended into a full length story.

Peter provided a novel idea with "The Sea Prize", a special boat constructed with winnings from the lottery.

Kate’s "Wild Life" elaborated on the waning fun of many artistic skills before discovering new found fun and enjoyment in life.

The 500 word assignments began with Liliane and her ‘Wild Life’ that was based on the draw of a tarot card. Trish provided a nice story about "Wild Hares" living in a field. Barry, also with "Wild Life" likened Big Brother to the Houses of Parliament.

read his humorous poem about "Bloody Wild Life" about its pests. Alex presented a very atmospheric account of "The Hunter" tracking an elk and preparing for the kill. Dick explained about a cats life in his excellent poem "Felis Catus". Dave rounded off the evening with "Wild Life – 59 Style" about a group of young rockers.

It was nice that feedback was given to all writers and discussions generated by the work. Generally a more disciplined evening and one that will be followed more closely in future.

THE NEXT MEETING will be held on Tuesday 6th February in the café at Felixstowe Library, start time 7.30pm.

The homework assignment will be on ‘The Sea’ and this will go a long way to providing entries to the

Bill Budner Short Story Competition.

The competition has now been launched on behalf of Maureen Budner in memory of her husband Bill, a member of the Scribblers and a well loved character in the area. It is open for a fictional short story inspired by ‘The Sea’ and should be no more than 2,000 words in length. Free to enter this is open to all with separate awards for children of 16 and under at the closing date. All entries should be handed in or posted to staff at Felixstowe Library. Leaflets have been distributed to libraries in the area.

Felixstowe Library staff will produce a short list of entries and Maureen will select the winning entries. The closing date is on Friday 2nd March.

There will be prizes valued £25, £15 and £10 for the best three entries in both categories

The competition is open to ALL Scribblers so I hope you all support it.

Our homework will be to provide just the first 500 words of your story.

Remember time has a bad habit of running away quickly, so please support this competition with short stories only and sending your entries in to Felixstowe Library.

The 1,500 word open themed work will be read out by Les and Dave.

Until next time,

Keep Scribbling!


This report was produced later than intended due to pressure of work, defective computer equipment and a carbon monoxide emergency! Enough there for a novel, at least!


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