Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Next meeting is on Tuesday 21st December at 7.30 in the library.

Hi Scribblers,

Just a reminder that our next meeting is on Tuesday 21st December at 7.30 in the library.

Being the last meeting before Christmas we will have a little party after the first [and hopefully short] first half of the meeting. If you remember the homework theme is "Mistletoe" and you are asked to write a mere 50 words on the subject after which the fun will begin. Perhaps that should be re-worded as I really mean getting stuck into any of the goodies that are brought along.

If you can please bring along a little something for the party table, and a little drink if you wish, but please remember that some of us have to drive home....

Some sad news, Jan's father died in the Bartlet last week and his funeral is on Tuesday so please send out your thoughts to Jan and her family.

I have heard from Marilyn, our previous secretary, that she has moved back to England and is currently living in Birmingham. I am hoping she will be in touch with the Scribblers in the future.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday so....

Even if you can't make the meeting,

Keep Scribbling!

And Merry Christmas!



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