Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

From the Wolsey Writers Club: Invitation to Youth Theatre event.

You may not be aware, but every year at this time we invite schools in the
area to bring along a 15-20 minute piece of work on a chosen theme.

Lastyear we did 'Ghost Stories' and this year is 'Greek Myths'. We are
thinking of changing the format slightly next year to make more of a
community event of it - including the Youth theatre and maybe some local
musician/s - and we are also thinking of inviting some of our vast wealth of
writing talent(that's you!) to work in partnership with teachers to produce
scripts for the pieces - not an earner, I'm afraid, but an opportunity to see
work upand running. It's not carved in stone yet, but with the possibility
in mind,we'd like to flag up for you that THIS year's event takes place on
28th and 29th June and 5th July.

If you'd like to attend on one of those days to see the vast range of things
the schools currently produce, it's a mere £3.00 and might inspire you!

Best wishes
Lynn & Julia


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