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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Quiz Night in aid fo Cancer Research UK: Sat 3rd December.

Dick writes.....

With our membership now so large (I) was wondering wether any of you would like to get yourself into teams of 6 in order to take part in his Christmas Quiz Night for Cancer Reasearch UK.

On the evening of Saturday 3rd December, it will be held in the Church Hall of St. Mary's Walton, with a 7.30pm start.

To take part please follow the following procedure....

(1)Get your 6 people together
(2)Pick a team leader
(3)Give yourselves a team name
(4)Give your £5 fee to the Team Leader
(5)As soon as the Team Leader has all the £5's write a cheque for £30 to Cancer Reasearch UK and post it Mr Mike Backler at 4 Shrubbery Close, Felixstowe, Suffolk. IP11 7NT.

Mike will also accept cash if the team leader delivers it in person. Tickets and a recipt will be issued on delivery of the teams £30 fee. The £5 includes refreshments but those wishing to have Alchol please bring your own.

The prize for the winning team will be wine.


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