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Saturday, February 04, 2006

2006 Doris Gooderson Short Story Competition

A quick competition Jan found....

2006 DORIS GOODERSON SHORT STORY COMPETITION Entries should be returned no later than 15th May 2006 to: -

The Competition Secretary, 29 Christine Avenue, Wellington, Shropshire, TF1 2DX
Rules of Entry: -
Entries must not exceed 1200 words, must be in the form of a Short Story and written in English. Prizes are 1st = £80, 2nd = £40 and 3rd = £20. Further prizes may be awarded at the discretion of the judge.

An entry fee of £3 is required for each entry or £10 for 4 entries. Entries from overseas can only be accepted with an entry fee in sterling.

This entry form can be photocopied if required.

The Closing Date is 15th May 2006.

No identifying marks should be on the entry.

Each story must have a title page containing title, word count and authors name and address.
2006 Doris Gooderson Short Story Competition


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