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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Guardian Unlimited Books: Internet culture spells doom for strait-laced orthographers

One of my favorite little 'literary' haunts on the internet is the Guardian Books page - if you cant find anything to get you going elsewhere there will always be something there to 'whet your whistle' - this is from an interesting article from earlier this week....

'If you believe the internet is the fount of all wisdom, giving free rein to bloggers to exercise their vocal cords, think again. Ancient English cliches and expressions are being mangled by the culture of cut and paste and the spread of unchecked writing on the internet.

According to the Oxford English Corpus, a database of a billion words, dozens of traditional phrases are now more commonly misspelled than rendered correctly in written English.'

Guardian Unlimited Books : Internet culture spells doom for strait-laced orthographers.

Related Links :
Guardian Unlimited : the Guardian website
Guardian Books webpage


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