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Monday, October 02, 2006

Prose and Poetry Prizes 2006 from The New Writer magazine

Prose and Poetry Prizes 2006
from The New Writer magazine
major annual international competition for short stories, novellas, single poems, poetry collections, essays and articles; offers cash prizes as well as publication for the prize-winning writers in The Collection, special edition of The New Writer magazine each July.
Closing date 30 November 2006

Further information including guidelines and entry fees at - http://www.thenewwriter.com/prizes.htm

Writers can enter at our secure credit card server at http://www.thenewwriter.com/entryform.htm

We can supply this year’s printed Entry Forms on request.

The New Writer: the contemporary writing magazine which publishes the best in fact, fiction and poetry is published bi-monthly, annual sub £27.00 (UK), £33.00 (Europe airmail), £37.50 (Rest of World airmail). Good reductions for 2 and 3 year subs - see website http://www.thenewwriter.com/subscribe.htm
For a free recent back copy of the magazine send 3 x first class stamps (UK) or 5 International Reply Coupons (Overseas) to:
The New Writer, PO Box 60, Cranbrook, TN17 2ZR.

The New Writer email News is included free of charge in our subscription package. This monthly emailing to our subscribers covers (a) breaking news of urgent interest to writers, (b) important announcements that we receive too late for the next issue of the magazine, (c) other useful items including market updates.

If you would like to read the latest email News go to http://www.thenewwriter.com/ and click on the pink box.


Prose and Poetry Prizes 2006
Essays, Articles, Interviews - covering any writing-related or literary theme in its widest sense up to 2,000 words. 1st prize £150, 2nd £100, 3rd £50. Single entry £4 (TNW subscribers two entries at same fee).
Short Stories, Serials/Novellas - stories up to 4,000 words, serials/novellas up to 20,000 words on any subject or theme, in any genre (not children's). Previously published work is not eligible. Short Stories: 1st prize £300, 2nd £200, 3rd £100. Novella: 1st prize £300. Entry fees £4 per short story (TNW subscribers two entries at same fee) or £10 per serial/novella.
Single Poems and Collections - single poems up to 40 lines and collections of between 6 - 10 poems. Single poem entries must be previously unpublished; previously published poems can be included as part of a collection. Collection: 1st prize £300, 2nd £200, 3rd £100. Single: 1st prize £100, 2nd £75, 3rd £50. Entry fee £4 per single poem (TNW subscribers two entries at same fee, £10 per collection.
All work should be clearly typed, double-spaced (except poetry), on one side of white A4 paper and paperclipped. Entrants may make as many submissions as they wish but please include your name, address, title of entry, word count and category on a separate cover sheet with every entry. Preliminary judging will be carried out by The New Writer editorial board with guest judges making the final selection so there should be no identifying marks on the entries. Judges in recent years include Mimi Thebo, Simon Scarrow, Jane Draycott, Ros Barber, Margaret Graham, Phil Whitaker.

Last year’s winners are listed at http://www.thenewwriter.com/prizewinners.htm
The New Writer
PO Box 60
TN17 2RE
United Kingdom
tel 01580 212626
fax 01580 212041


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