Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Report and News from the meeting on 22nd January


In the Chair: Dave.

Apologies for absence were received from Scott, Kay, Judy and Alex.

In attendance were Tony, Ruth, Rosie, Di, Les, Dick, Morag, Rani, Liliane, Peter, Jane, Stephen, Barry, and Dave.

Nice to see Di taking a break from her medieval palaeography course to take part in the competition. Nice to see Liliane’s daughter Rani as well.

Denise at Unesco in Paris has wished us all a Happy New Year. She’s off to Oman and Dubai, back to Paris for a few weeks and then off to Biarritz for the UN Interagency Games; Denise, whose mother lives in Felixstowe, doesn’t expect to visit Felixstowe until the summer but enjoys keeping in touch through the news reports.

Judy emailed to say ‘Sorry I could not attend the AGM but I have done something nasty to my leg - all this rough sex!! Seriously, I think I have twisted a nerve in my right calf, whatever it is, it is very painful so I have been hobbling around like a real old codger. Ron has offered to make me a crutch, buy me a Zimmer frame or whittle me a walking stick. He is still alive - just. Driving is out at present, as is walking any more than to the loo and kettle - got to keep your priorities right. I am seeing the acupuncturist on Tuesday so fingers crossed. I will not be around in two weeks as we are heading up to Solihull to look after my nieces children while she is in hospital - leg permitting.’ We all wish Judy a hobbling success - and if she wants a Zimmer frame race just e-mail the Secretary! Still no date for her book though. That is frustrating.

Margareta sends her wishes from Saltzburg. She was hoping to attend the forthcoming social but is sad she cannot make it as the date clashes with some exams. She hopes to call in and see us at a future meeting though.

Kay says she won't be able to attend the social either as she has a prior engagement . She also says she is going in a slightly different direction these days so her attendance at Scribblers will be rather sporadic for the foreseeable future. Kay has therefore decided to resign from the committee. It is sad, but I would like to record my appreciation for her past help and say that we look forward to seeing her whenever she is able to attend. One thing is certain, we will miss her powerful writing.

Scott says “The locksmiths exam was a nightmare I answered all the questions, but I was expecting them to be about the inside of locks and around six of them were about lock codes we did not cover so I'm not to optimistic about passing as there were a few others that stumped me.

“I'm afraid I wont be there next time either as something has come up on that date, but I will make the social with Aimee Have been rather busy what with the exam and the cat course Aimee are I are doing. I have a dancing exam at the end of February and my martial arts one at the start of March what a fun year it's going to be.” Just remember Scott, It’s more fun at Scribblers!!!!

Morag has an interview for a Saturday post at Woodbridge/Felixstowe library next week at Ipswich – one of the all-singing and dancing audition types that she is NOT looking forward to!!!
She now broadcasts fortnightly on Felixstowe radio with Kay a show that is repeated at intervals through the week on www.felixstoweradio.co.uk It’s called ‘Talking Words’. Listen in if you can.

Did you know that Ruth has thespian tendencies and is busily rehearsing for he Rushmere Players adaptation of Alan Ayckbourn’s Improbable Fiction that will run from Thursday 6th to Saturday 8th March at the Rushmere Hall Primary School in Lanark Road Ipswich. Tickets are £7 and can be organised through Tony or from the ticket line at 01473-604655.


Don’t forget that our official website at http://felixstowescribblers.com is up and running and we will soon be making some additions to it so please have a look from time to time. Perhaps you would like your potted history added. Food for thought?

Most up to date information is shown on our weblog at the usual address - http://nar8or.blogspot.com Don’t forget not only do we like to hear news of our old friends, but also your news or events you‘d like mentioned, local matters of interest too. Just let us know and we will include details on our weblog.

The Online Scribblers.

Soon to launch their new competition, Online Scribblers will soon be sending details out in their newsletter that is circulated to members. To register, free of charge, follow the online instructions or email Vincent West at organiser@onlinescribblers.com Please mention that you are a member of Felixstowe Scribblers as that will speed up registration.


In view of the resignation of Kay, Ruth nominated Barry as the new membership secretary and was seconded by Dick.

Peter reports that he has now opened the new account as agreed at the AGM and has made the first deposit. In the coming days he will close the previous account and transfer the funds across.

Ruth collected the orders for meals at the Grosvenor for next Tuesday, 29th January whilst Morag reported that she since our AGM she has heard from and met Maureen Budner who is again sponsoring a free to enter short story competition in memory of her husband, Bill. There are cash prizes in two categories, adults and children aged 16 and under. Here are the details:

Bill Budner Short Story Competition 2008
Theme – ‘It all started when…’

Entries are now invited for the Bill Budner Short Story competition, sponsored by Bill’s widow, Maureen and organized by the Felixstowe Scribblers.

The competition is for a fictional short story, starting with the first line :
‘It all started when…’, with a maximum of 2,000 words.
Entry is open to all, with separate awards for children (16 and under at the closing date).

Prizes will be awarded for the three best stories in each category, as follows:

1st prize £25, 2nd prize £15, 3rd prize £10

Each entry must be the original and unpublished work of the entrant.
All entries should be clearly typed in double spacing on single sides of A4 paper.
The author’s name, address, daytime phone number and (if possible) e-mail address should accompany the story on a separate sheet of paper. These details should not appear on the entry itself.
Please include age if 16 or under.
Acknowledgement of entries will only be made if accompanied by a self addressed, stamped envelope or postcard. Entries will not be returned.

Competition entries should be handed in or posted to the staff at Felixstowe Library, Crescent Road , Felixstowe, IP11 7BY, clearly marked for the
‘Bill Budner Short Story Competition’, by the
closing date of Friday March 14th 2008

The winners will be chosen by a judging team headed by Bill’s widow, Maureen. The judge’s decision will be final.

The winners will be notified by Monday 7th April 2008.

Our homework assignment was to prepare for the Anonymous competition for attending writers only. Also in memory of Bill, twelve members battle it out to win the coveted Bill Budner Trophy.

Listed are the titles of the work and is preceded by the reader of the story and followed by it’s author.

Tony : Blinkered Parent: Peter
Ruth : The Pantomime: Jane
Rosie: The Clerkenwell Cottage Cheese Cream Crackers Cubs Go Camping: Tony
Di :The Wolf: Liliane
Dick: Mother’s Ruin: Les
Morag: Boy and Dog: Di
Rani: Missing Moments: Dave
Liliane: Iced Water: Ruth
Peter: You’ll See : Barry
Jane: Beside the Oak: Dick
Barry : Pen Versus Sword: Rosie
Dave: Euthanasia 100 (Annie’s Choice) : Morag

The votes were cast and counted with Morag the winner of the trophy (see the photo on the weblog)
Runner-up was Jane with Ruth in third place.

Another excellent evening of work, reading and entertainment and all in memory of Bill.


Tuesday 5th February.


“Comedy” : This may be written in a comic genre, a piece of comedy, a humorous story.. The choice is yours… A maximum please of 500 words.

The open themed 1,500 word work was not allotted, but Dave will do one piece whilst arrangements will be made to select a willing volunteer.

So until next time,

Keep Scribbling!


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