Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Our Next Meeting

Hi Scribblers,

Happy New Year!

Hoping you all had a lovely Christmas and that the New Year will bring you health, wealth and happiness in 2009.

It seems incredible that the new year is with us already and our first meeting is rapidly approaching.

This takes place on Tuesday 6th January at the Cafe Libra in Felixstowe Library starting at 7.30pm and will form our Annual General Meeting so this time, instead of homework, perhaps you would like to think about how we can further develop our group in respect of format meeting formats and also your own ideas on progressing our gatherings. What we need to do is to maintain all the FUN and ENTERTAINMENT in Felixstowe Scribblers whilst trying to deliver what you personally would like to see.

The Agenda is :

1. Apologies for absence
2. In Attendance
3. Secretary's Report on 2008
4. Ratification of existing committee and or election of new officers
5. Treasurer's Report
6. Website and Weblog Report
7. Social Events
8. Structure of Meetings
9. Planning for the future
10. Publicity
11. Any Other Business

Until next Tuesday,

Keep Thinking!


Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Scribblers,
Hope the new year is a good one for you all too. I have decided to skip a couple of meetings in the hope that I complete about four to five current projects. One is big and the rest are small, but I feel that I would not have the time to fit the meetings in, in the light of the above. See you again as soon as I can, though! Angela L

Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:45:00 am  

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