Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Friday, May 08, 2009

Report of Meeting




APOLOGIES: Morag (Holiday), Kay (course), Connie (post op complications) Lauren B (operation), Lauren W (course), Liliane (holiday), Ally and Caroline

ATTENDING: Ruth (Chair) Trish, Les, Angela P, Jane, Sue, Dick, Angela L, Debbie, Dave, Tony, Di, Barry and Peter.


With Liliane in Australia, unfortunately the collection of the key was overlooked and, after attempts to contact the emergency Library contact failed, Ruth offered to host the meeting. A note was left to that effect on the library door. Unfortunately Ally arrived a few minutes after leaving the library and missed seeing the note. With our apologies for the inconvenience.

United Press Offer – linked with the Short Story Society – of twenty free books and all post and packing fees paid! Too good to be true? Dave has suggested the parcel be sent care of the library. We will wait and see what transpires. The object of the exercise is to encourage more people to get involved in writing.

The Bill Budner competition entries have been collected from the library with a disappointingly low number. Sue informs us that Maureen is unwell and so there may be a short delay on her selecting the winners. Ruth wonders if the theme of the competition may have had something to do with the low entries and that if the competition is repeated, perhaps an open themed subject might be the order of the day.

With regard to the forthcoming anthology, Barry so far has copy from three members. Dave has a number as well and will be forwarding them on in the next few days. Currently the anthology committee are investigating cover designs. Ruth asked if one of her friends, John, who is in his nineties and has been to some meetings in his past visits to Felixstowe, can submit something to our publication. The request brought a unanimous agreement.

Following some of the discussions during the readings on ghosts, it was suggested that a future social function could take place at Landguard Fort with an evening of ghost writing or reading.... Dick, as official spectre (!) of the Fort will make enquiries to ensure that such an event is possible.

Rushmere Players have asked, via Ruth, if the Felixstowe Scribblers would be interested in writing a short(ish) murder mystery to be performed for charity towards the end of the year. Several members are interested including three of the writers of The Lost Sock... Further information will be provided and then circulated to interested members.

The next Ipswich Writers’ Café will take place at 8pm on Monday 6 July at the Wicked Café, Waterfront Building, University Campus Suffolk, as part of this year’s Ip-Art festival. If you would like to attend this free event, please email aburton@wolseytheatre.co.uk. All reading slots have already been allocated.

This year University Campus Suffolk, in partnership with Ip-Art, has commissioned a new short story from Clare Wigfall, winner of the 2008 BBC National Short Story Award, on the theme of ‘Safe’. Clare will read it for the first time for the Writers’ Café audience.

For details of all Ip-Art events, visit www.ip-art.com


Neither of the volunteers were present for the 1,500 word open themed homework assignment so the meeting progressed with the 500 word assignments on “Funfairs”

Angela P: Mirror, Mirror.
Jane: No Going Back
Sue: Fly by night
Dick: The Best Ride
Angela L: The Top Hat Man
Debbie: Shadows
Dave: All the Fun of the Fair
Tony: The Shadows
Di: An excerpt from chapter three of her novel
Barry: Purple Rain
Peter: Just Looking
Ruth: Cherry Fair (extract from The James Version)
Trish: Unrequited Love
Les: Gridlock on the Dodgems

A really amazing and diverse collection of stories that held the attention and generated much discussion that branched out into ghost stories and the supernatural. Thanks to everyone who supported for providing such riveting and eclectic entertainment.

A special thank you to Ruth who managed to provide the accommodation and seating for everyone at the drop of a hat.


Takes place in two weeks time on 19th May in the Cafe Libra, Felixstowe Library. (Peter has agreed to collect the key for this meeting).

The homework assignment is to write an anonymous story for the BILL BUDNER TROPHY.

For attending writers only, the guidelines are:
 Short stories or poetry up to a maximum of 1,000 words on any topic.
 Work must be typed (on single sides of paper).
 Entries must be completed before arrival at the meeting.
 Work must be anonymous - so no names or identification marks on the paper.
 All work will be placed, face down, on a table, and each writer, at a given time, will collect one entry and have a short time to familiarize themselves with it.
 The stories will then be read out to the group with everyone present marking them and selecting their top three entries.
 At the end of the evening all the marks will be entered anonymously into a box and then counted by designated members of the group.
 The winner will be announced and The Bill Budner Trophy presented to them by the previous winner.
 The trophy will be engraved by Scott at Mr Cobbler in Felixstowe.
 The trophy will be held for four months(or as decided) until the next competition
 The holder undertakes to return the trophy to Felixstowe Scribblers and advise any change of address.
Previous winners have been: Tony Shearman, Rosie Woolley, Morag Clarke, Dick Bradshaw, Ruth Dugdall and Barry Darnell.

Just a friendly warning to Barry to polish the cup as someone else would like to get their hands on it!

Keep Scribbling!

Support those who support us! Have a look at Scott’s website at http://www.mrcobblerandmrlocks.co.uk
Don’t forget that Scott has special ‘Felixstowe Scribblers’ mugs on sale at £5 each. Not only does it have the Scribblers logo on the front, but your name can also be added on the rear.


For Creative Writers Groups
Email caroline@cwgroups.org.uk or visit the website at www.cwgroups.org.uk

The Ads
For Liberato
Email liberato@talktalk.net or visit the website at www.liberato.co.uk


Rochelle Moore’s new book, “Beyond The Third Eye” is now on sale via Amazon. It takes the reader on a journey through life, death and beyond and explores what happens after we die? The author presents a fascinating account of life after death through an intriguing look at both scientific fact and Spiritual beliefs down through the eras. Whether you are a Christian, Jewish, Wiccan, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness, Occult, Atheist, Agnostic (etc..), or if you have ever lost a loved one, this is a must read! You don’t have to be a Theologian to appreciate this awe-inspiring study; you only have to be a person who is curious about what happens when (and after) you die!

“From the very beginning of time mankind has tried to explain what happens after physical death and in Beyond The Third Eye we will research different religious beliefs in the afterlife dating back through the eras, learn about Near Death Experience, see if ghosts really do exist, try to understand the paranormal, go in search for the most famous ghosts and explain who we are, what is our purpose on Earth and investigate what happens to our spirit when our physical body dies.

Everything you want to know about your past, present and future is contained within this book. Here, we analyze every spectrum of life in a serious attempt to answer the ultimate question; Why are we here and what happens when we die? Follow me in the search for the truth about the afterlife where we seek answers from within different religions and cultures, both ancient and modern, in our quest to unravel the mystery of life after death.”

Beyond The Third Eye is an inspiring journey into the abundant nature of the universe which examines issues related to Near Death Experiences, Reincarnation, ESP, Ghosts, Quantum Physics, Psychology, Psychics, The Montauk Project and many more by examining the areas in which Science and the Paranormal merge. If you have ever wondered about What happens after death, this is the book to read. If you have ever wondered about where we go when we die, this book answers this question for you. If any book can come close to bridging the gap between Science and Religious/Spiritual/Metaphysical beliefs, this is it.

Ip-Art Short Story competition announced

2009 Ip-art Short Story Competition launched! This years short story competition is on the theme of 'Safe' and entries are open in three categories
1) Adult
2) Young people (ages 12-16)
3) Children (ages 7-11)

Plenty of Prizes to be won so don't delay! The deadline is 2nd May 2009 so time is running out!

Details available from their website at http://www.ip-art.com/

The Ipswich Arts Festival takes place from June 27th until July 12th.

The Debenham arts festival.

This is the first year we have had literary events and art shows, rather than being purely a music festival. I think you'll agree we have an impressive line up of writers.

By the way, Debenham, a small village a few miles north of Ipswich, has been named in a survey as one of the best places in the country to live, so it is always worth a detour. More so, I would say, on a sunny July day with writers to talk to.

Arts Festival at Debenham, Suffolk.

A strong literary line-up will appear at the first Debenham Arts Festival, July 9 - 12. Writers include Hilary Mantel, reading her new novel, Wolf Hall; Joan Lock, historical fiction and non-fiction; Tessa West, who writes East Anglian novels; Lesley Grant-Adamson, crime novelist and author of "Writing Crime Fiction"; Natalie Williams, children's author; playwright Gwyn Guy; and Shirley Bignell who will reading favourite Caribbean poetry.

Further details will be on the village website www.debenhamsuffolk.co.uk



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