Felixstowe TV to be featured on BBC2.
The BBC have filmed a piece about our pal Chris Gosling's Felixstowe TV project to be shown on BBC2 on Saturday 1st December at 0745am. Read about it on Felixstowe Tv's NewsText pages, or watch the latest Felixstowe TV News report read by our own Ruth!
As a little NB we note the passing of the 'Inside Felixstowe' project - apparently due to distribution difficulties. A real worry that a (yet another) independent voice has been suffocated by the refusal of Centrally Managed National Chain Businesses to respond to local needs. There goes another little opportunity for diversity of expression.
And as a PS; flicking throught the Felixstowe TV website I also notice [rant] that Felixstowe's newest tourist attraction the Herman De Sterne Fence has Cost £11,000: .... 'The wooden fence around the Herman de Stern, designed to ensure that no-one enters the ruined building, cost £11,000. The “Herman Stockade” as some locals call it, will be a feature of the area until the building’s final 'future' is determined.' Another little item to chalk up on the running total of the bill of the 20 year long South Seafront Farce where everbody pays for what nobody wants [/rant] .... and also on a happier note this superb photograph by top bloke and an old mate of mine Ron Gleed of some new cranes being delivered to the dock.
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