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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

‘Global warming!’ - Kate's homework posted for you all to read.

‘Global warming!’ Jake kicked the heater unit in disgust, ‘Why do we keep on believing the Ukrainians will get themselves together enough to keep the pipelines clear?’
With another vicious kick to the half-broken rusted scrap metal masquerading as central heating in his down-town office, Jake turned around to see a visitor filling the doorframe. His dog was standing to attention, a look of puzzlement on his whiskery face, a tentative growl rumbling in the air.
Anyone stupid or determined enough to make his way down here, through the icy walk-tops built to connect the citiscape, past the flight sergeant from hell he’d been given on his fall from grace, deserved to be acknowledged.
He pointed his zapper towards the shadowed figure and the plexiscreen slid back. The glorious apparition who walked into his shabby space had him stumbling backwards and tripping over the unfortunate Rover, who in turn retreated into the corner and his bedpile of osater skins. ‘Holy Moses’, he mumbled, gripping the plexi form edge of his float desk, which dipped alarmingly then steadied.

‘Captain Jake MacLean? I have come to the right unispace?’ The low voice was authoritative and beguiling him with its off-earth accent, a hint of the exotic softening the definite power he heard beneath. Its owner came forward and clicked on the visitor’s space for a chair and lowered herself gracefully into an attentive pose.
Jake Maclean , First Captain (Higher Fleet), ex-Outer Pirate, poacher turned gamekeeper, was lost, sunk into submission by one unexpected and very welcome
Intraspace traveller.

Desperate to keep his cool, keeping the plexi between them as token defence against the subtle charms of his guest, Jake leaned across to shake hands. After the slightest hesitation, she put her hand in his, saying, ‘How gallant. I thought only the outriders shook hands these days. But then, they do say you’ve kept some interesting company in your days off-earth.’ Rover did his growling for him, as Jake took a second, clearer look at the woman. He raised his eyebrows in interrogation.

‘Lieutenant Silvie Mann, here at the behest of Central.’ Jake’s eyebrows went through the roof. Central didn’t involve herself with the petty workings of on-earth crimes and misdemeanours. ‘ I am personally commanded to bring you on board with one of her Projects.’ She unzipped her travelsuit, leaving Jake a little breathless. Out came a scrollkeeper, which she tapped open and pushed gently across the desk. Looking at him from eyes that could encompass the outer islands, she said quietly, ‘For your eyes only, Captain.’


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