Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Hello from Online Scribblers!

Well what can I say? What a close run thing our summer writing competition has turned out to be with both Candour Typist's entry "Normality" and Morag's "Suspicious Minds" ending with exactly the same number of votes! I can tell you that Morag is a published novelist whilst Candour Typist is an up and coming young writer who has already won two competitions.

The voting was held open for a couple of extra days in case any additional support would produce an outright winner but the votes remain tied. For the first time we will run a tiebreaker for these two entries only.

Members are invited to cast a single vote for one entry or the other. The tiebreaker will run for seven days only when the suspense will hopefully be eased and a winner announced.

I must say that all entries were extremely good reads and very impressive work by everyone. It is a shame there can be only one winner but part of the fun is taking part and remember, next time it could be your turn to win.

For now though I ask if you will give up a few minutes of your precious time to vote for the work you consider the best, either Normality or Suspicious Minds. Exciting times!

Vote Now!!!!

Vincent West
25th September 2007


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