Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Online Scribblers Shock

I have just received news concerning the future of Online Scribblers from the organiser, Vincent West who is having to step down because of his business interests. It has, until the last few days, been a well kept secret that he would be leaving and I am sorry that he has had to make this decision. It is a sad day especially as neither Debbie nor I are able to take over. Vincent's message reads:

The future of Online Scribblers.

The time has arrived when, with deep regret, I have to resign as Organiser of Online Scribblers. A change in working practises will mean that I will be unable to devote any time to Online Scribblers in the foreseeable future.

What started as a platform for writers, generally those with a Felixstowe connection, to air and share their work in the relative safety of our members’ forums, has been fairly well supported until recent times. There has been a recent decline in postings which has been very disappointing but we have tried to soldier on.

Unlike sponsored and commercial clubs and organisations we have not been able to offer prizes for our competition winners – only the prestige of winning.

So what happens next?

After heartfelt discussions with our Administrator, Debbie and moderator, Dave at Felixstowe Scribblers, a decision has been made to close the site with immediate effect. It will remain closed until someone comes forward to take over.

The domain name is paid up until March 2009 and can easily be transferred, along with the site, to a new owner. If no-one comes forward by March next year, then site and everything in the forums will be permanently deleted and the domain name cancelled.

I really must thank all you writers who have joined in the forums and confess that I especially enjoyed the competitions, the ongoing stories but stress that every forum served a purpose.

I am sorry that I have to resign but thank you all for your support. I hope that someone will step forward and offer to take over Online Scribblers very soon. If you are interested, or know someone who is, then please let Dave know. You can reach him by email via scribblers.1@ntlworld.com

Vincent West
Saturday 5th July 2008.

Anyone who is genuinely interested in taking on this challenge, please email me in the first instance at the above address.



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