Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Friday, October 16, 2009

Our Torchlight Halloween Meeting

Our next meeting will be the special “TORCHLIGHT HALLOWEEN MEETING” on Tuesday 20th October at 7.30 pm in the Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library.

Members are asked to bring a torch along for the evening. We are hoping for some spooky, ghostly, scary paranormal or Halloween stories. Long pieces will be by Rani and Dave whilst everyone else is invited to write up to 750 words for the homework assignment.

We have received an email from a former Scribbler Ken (Matthews) who is now living Cyprus. Currently his writing has taken a back seat but he passes his best wishes on to all Scribblers.

Condolences to Morag who has sadly lost her mother.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday so until then

Keep Scribbling!


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