Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Thursday, December 08, 2005

'Suntrapman': Felixstowe Suntrap of the East Coast.

Herman never to rise? This is a website by a campagning resident of Felixstowe who likes to go by the Nom de Plume 'suntrapman'. I actualy did a webdesign course with 'suntrapman' a couple of years ago - we turned out erm; rather different as you can see. 'Suntrapman' takes an offbeat look at the changes to Felixstowe down on the South Seafront - a frequent theme of us here - amongst many, many other issues.

Felixstowe Suntrap of the East Coast.

Also check out 'suntrapman's' excellent reportage of the scandal at the Herman De Stern.

Great stuff 'suntrapman' - we doff our caps at your energy and passion - keep it up - and your identity is safe with us.....:-)


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