Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Friday, December 14, 2007


Our next meeting, the final one of 2007, will be held on Tuesday 18th December in the Café Libra at the Library starting at 7.30 pm.

This will be a meeting with a difference - yes another meeting with a difference! There are no homework subjects to consider, but please take a pencil and paper along if you can, and also four words that will be placed in Dick's hat. Everyone will then pick one word out of the hat and spend ten mintues writing something on or about the word.

Should be fun to do and I'm sure the results will be excellent too!

Afterwards it will be on with the Xmas party just to round the evening off - thanks to all who have offered to bring some 'goodies' in.

Ruth says that she has had a reprint of her book, The James Version, and this will be on sale at the special price of £5 as a late Xmas gift for someone dear, perhaps. It retails in the shops for £6.99.

Of course Dave can match that special price for 'Ipswich Speedway - The First 50 Years'!!!

Whatever happens, Tuesday should be a good meeting....

Hope to see you all on then, so

Keep Scribbling!

If you can't make it,

then Merry Christmas!!!!!


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