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Monday, January 28, 2008

IP1 magazine - Creative Writing Competion.

IP1 Magazine is a new magazine for the Ipswich area that a lot of resources and effort has obviously gone in to. It presents a new local opportunity for getting published.

The focus of IP1 is generally youthful, but theyve got a few contributors who are somewhat older.

IP1 is a free quarterly magazine dedicated to arts, writing, events and anything else interesting in Ipswich and the wider region. They are currently planning a creative writing supplement/anthology for the summer of 2008, with a combination of 'young' and published writers. They aim to tie the text in with design, artwork and photography to create something that's great to look at and to read.

Please see the following for information about submitting work for the IP1 creative writing anthology supplement- the deadline in March so perfect for those of you seeking to have a useful objective for this winters work!

Work submitted should be no more than 2500 words in length.
We accept any kind of writing: prose, poetry, short stories, haikus, whatever takes your fancy as long as it falls somewhere under the umbrella of ‘creative writing’.
We are also looking for submissions of illustration and photography, either to stand alone or as an accompaniment to a piece of writing.
One of the aims of the anthology is to encourage writers and artists to work creatively together. If possible we would really like to pair up writers with illustrators and photographers. If you would be interested in participating in this please let us know.
The deadline for all submissions is 31 March 2008.
Not all work which is submitted will necessarily be published.
We reserve the right to edit any writing that we receive.
Copyright will reside with the author.
It would be helpful if all submissions could be accompanied with a small blurb about who you are, background, influences etc. (Unless you wish your work to be published anonymously)
Contact details should also be given with all work submitted.
All work should be emailed to kate@ip1zine.com, preferably in .doc format.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries regarding any of the


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