Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Friday, September 12, 2008

Our Next Meeting - The Bill Budner Trophy

Hi Scribblers,

Our next meeting takes place this Tuesday, 16th September starting at 7.30pm in the Café Libra in Felixstowe Library.

It is a special evening with an anonymous writing competition for the Bill Budner Trophy. This coveted cup, in memory of Bill, has previously been held by Tony, Rosie, Morag and Dick. Now it is someone else’s turn. It could be yours!

For attending writers only, the basic rules are:

Short stories or poetry up to a maximum of 1,000 words on any topic.
Work must be typed (on single sides of paper).
Entries must be completed before arrival at the meeting.
Work must be anonymous - so no names or identification marks on the paper.
All work will be placed, face down, on a table, and each writer, at a given time, will collect one entry and have a short time to familiarize themselves with it.
The stories will then be read out to the group with everyone present marking them and selecting their top three entries.
At the end of the evening all the marks will be entered anonymously into a box and then counted by designated members of the group.
The winner will presented with The Bill Budner Trophy.
The trophy will be engraved by Scott at Mr Cobbler in Felixstowe.
The trophy will be held for four months (or as decided) until the next competition
The holder undertakes to return the trophy to Felixstowe Scribblers and advise any change of address.

This Sunday, 14th September sees the second Jack Wilkinson Memorial Walk in aid of Cancer Research. There are three walks taking place, 1.5 miles, 5 miles or 9 miles and start at intervals from 9.45 am from The Foxgrove Nursing Home, High Road West. Everyone is welcome to join in.

Hoping you will be at Scribblers on Tuesday for what is always an excellent evening of entertainment!

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!


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Closing date 30 November 2008.
Further information including guidelines, entry form and fees at http://www.thenewwriter.com/prizes.htm
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