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Saturday, November 05, 2005

Update on Jack's progress.

Dave writes....

Caz phoned today and gave me an update on Jack. Having returned home from Ipswich Hospital on Tuesday last, Jack then had to attend Addenbrooks on Thursday and was informed that he would need to have between four and five weeks radiotherapy treatment starting nex Monday. Because of bed availability, Caz received a phone call from the hospital yesterday [Friday] and they are already at Addenbrooks today.

Despite this, Caz says Jack is in good spirits - although he has his lows as we can all understand - but generally he is happy and jokes with the nurses. Five weeks may seem like a very long time but let us hope that it will provide Jack with a lifetime cure.

So Scribblers, please put out your loving thoughts to Jack, to Caz and of course Karl.



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