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Friday, December 09, 2005

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 6th December 2005.

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 6th December 2005


were received from Caz and Jack who are unable to attend. Morag and Ruth were attending the Suffolk Book League lecture by Deborah Moggach, Ann was visiting relatives, Tony was competing in a bridge tournament, Bill was attending a local event whilst Peter is unwell and Lisa is quarantined because her son has chicken pox. Barry was caught up with work once again.

In attendance were Alex, Les, Liliane, Scott, Louis, Dick, Judy, Christine, Gordon, Ken, Allen, Zoe, Kate and Dave.



The latest news from Caz is that Jack remains in Addenbrooks and will be for some time yet. It seems that they will have four days at home over Christmas before reporting back to the hospital before the New Year when, infections apart, the final radiotherapy should be given.

It really is impossible to understand how they are feeling. Talking to Caz on the telephone from Addenbrook's she sounded exhausted but is always there for Jack.

Poor Jack, it must be so terrible for him with all the treatment. Some upsets him, he misses home, he misses his puppy, his friends and probably not uppermost in his mind, his new school.

Our love goes out to him and his parents as ever. At this time of the year, especially, he needs to know that he is in our thoughts.


We were informed that a new group of writers had been formed by Sue who will no longer be attending Scribblers. It seems that this is more a group of friends rather than a formal group that was indicated originally. They will meet monthly to discuss and critique their work, together with their future writing plans.

It is a shame that Sue no longer feels happy in our large group, and here I wish to record thanks for the effort and hospitality she has shown in the past with committee work. I wish her every success for the future.

On the question of other writing circles, let it be recorded that Felixstowe Scribblers have absolutely no objection to other groups for whilst competition is healthy it is always a pleasure being in touch with other organisations and being able to help where possible. The Ipswich Writers group was in contact with Scribblers before they formed officially, and there has been some contact with another Suffolk group of writers from Clare together with the Tendring writers over the border in Essex.



book Green Wellies and Wax Jackets has finally been published and should now be on sale in local bookshops. If you are unable to find a copy then please contact the Scribblers who will put you in touch with our lovely author.

Along with Ruth - our other lovely author - they sold copies of their novels at the tabletop sale at Kingsfleet Primary School in Old Felixstowe last Sunday.

Morag has a book signing between 12 - 2pm on 22nd December at Newton Hall. Further news should follow soon.


Received a short note from our last secretary Marilyn and husband Steve who are still trying to sell their property in Spain without too much success. They have now moved down to Hove from their last base in Birmingham, have had a terrible time with their car and lost the joy of their life, their beautiful dog Jade. One can understand Marilyn's 'Christmas - bah, humbug!' comment… She does wish the Scribblers better luck!


The Online Jotters are now back up and operating normally. From what I gather the competitions have been judged by Dianne and Mike Wilson and Jan provided with the results. These will be announced in the Jotters e-zine when it is published nearer Christmas.



Now fast approaching 2,800 hits it continues to do extremely well. Alex is still working towards getting the new website up and running by the New Year - a tremendous effort on his part with his limited time.

Don't forget - if you have any news or items you would like to include on either the weblog or the new site then please contact Alex at fswebsite@hotmail.co.uk as soon as possible.


Both Alex and I had set aside time last weekend, Alex to pursue the completion of the new website and I had planned six hours to get down to some serious writing once again. Events of the weekend overtook both of us which
meant even more time dealing with Scribblers issues and none on our proposed tasks. Such is life on your committee….


You will be aware that we will be holding our AGM on January 3rd next year. If you wish to include any items on the agenda or comment on either Felixstowe Scribblers or the Online Jotters then please let me know by email or hard copy no later than Tuesday 20th December. The agenda will then be finalised and sent out to all Scribblers prior to the AGM, and hope that Jan will agree to forward it to her Online Jotters members.


Both Alex and Christine read out their 1,500 word open themed work for comment. Especially interesting was Alex's work on a budgerigar whilst Christine provided another two chapters of her wartime story.

The shorter work on the theme SCENT provoked quite a diverse response - much of it very humorous.


opened with Dreams, and Zoe followed with her poem Invisible Footprints.

Our senior member Allen proffered his interpretation of the subject based on dogs…


shared his untitled work whilst Dick read out Hot Temptation'.


, without any homework, read out Dave's 'Texan Legend' on the anniversary of Roy Orbison's death. The poem is posted on the weblog and comments are invited.


read 'Following the Scent' and Scott produced 'Plonk'


turned romantic with 'The Scent of All Roses' whilst the work of the week has to go to Les with his 'On the Scent'


closed with 'Scent'.


Being the final meeting of the year and just before Christmas too, it has been usual for the Scribblers to have a little party rather than a normal meeting. Plans had been made to hold this meeting at the Library on Tuesday 20th December between 7.30 and 9 pm with the party moving on to the Brook Hotel afterwards for a viewing of the Felixstowe TV mini-serial.

Now since our meeting two things have been discovered and clarification is being sought - first that the Library will actually be closed for a period up to and including the 20th December and not the 19th as originally advertised. Additionally the Brook Hotel has agreed for the use of a room only between 7.30 and 9.00 pm.

Currently the option seems to be that we will meet at the Brook Hotel but this will be confirmed in the first half of next week. So, Scribblers, sorry for any confusion at this present time but details will follow.


No homework has been set for the meeting - instead, any ideas for the AGM, events for next year, etc., please let me know by the 20th.

So until next time,




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