Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Saturday, November 12, 2005

BETRAYAL: the next meeting is Tuesday 15th November at 7.30pm.

Cavaliere d Arpino:The Betrayal of ChristHi Scribblers all,

Just a gentle reminder that our next meeting takes place at the Library, complete with proper lighting, this coming Tuesday 15th November at 7.30pm. The homework assignment is BETRAYAL, set by Kate with a maximum of 500 words on this subject please. The two 1,500 word open themed 'volunteers' are Louis and Barry.

From an idea mentioned by Scott on homework themes. He suggests that we each think of one word, phrase or subject for a homework theme, then put them in a hat and draw one out for each meeting. When those subjects are exhausted, then we start all over again. It takes away a lot of the stress in choosing a subject at the end of a meeting. I think its a splendid idea so have you any views on that?

The last news I had from Caz about Jack was that he should be home today for the weekend before going back to Addenbrooks for radiotherapy on Monday.

Until Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling,



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