We are a long established Writers Circle based in Felixstowe, Suffolk. This Weblog will be about us, Writing, Writing Competitions, Writing in Felixstowe, life and generally what we are up to as a Group and individuals and what interests us.
We are based in Felixstowe but our membership comes both from a wide area within Suffolk and we also have many 'online' members from around the UK, Europe and the US.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION. Please note our New! contact address is scribblers@btinternet.com . Please note all previous email addresses are now defunct.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
The next meeting of the Felixstowe Scribblers takes place this coming Tuesday, 1st September in The Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library. Starting at 7.30pm our homework assignment this time is to create 500 words on “PSYCHODELIC” whilst those with an easier task writing the 1,500 word open themed work will be Debbie and Stephen.
We must remember to think of Les who will be undergoing a replacement knee operation at Ipswich Hospital so our best wishes to him - and probably good luck to the nurses as well!
One of our former members, Kate, was spotted in Ipswich recently. All her creative talents are now invested in her love of art and you can find out more about her work on her website at http://www.kateackerley.com/ Some of her work will be exhibited in the Reunion Gallery in Gainsborough Road, Felixstowe as part of their Art of the Docks exhibition which runs from 8th September to 3rd October. Why not pop along and have a look? Incidentally one of her short stories was published in one of the womens national magazines last Christmas.
The Murder Mystery writers are bludgeoning on with their script and hope to be ready for the handover to Rushmere Players by the end of the month. A final date for the performance at Colneis School should be released later this month and everyone will be kept informed. Likewise with the anthology which Barry, Jane and Les have been working on. Exciting times ahead!
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 1st September at 7.30 pm in the Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library when the 500 word homework assignment will be ‘Psychedelic’
& publication on the Beanpole Books website for one year
To enter, choose your title from any one of the fifty themed crossword titles listed in '50 Bookworms Crosswords'.and submit your story of up to 1,500 words, with the special entry form, by the closing date of 26 OCTOBER 2009. Copies of the Bookworms Crosswords and entry form can be obtained via the Beanpole Books website, or by post from Beanpole Books, 3 Yeomanry Rd., Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury SY1 3EH. Please enclose a cheque for £5. Full competition rules on www.beanpolebooks.co.uk where you can read last year’s winning entry by Teresa Stenson from York.
Sue has a short story in this week's People's Friend, dated 22nd August. It's on the first page with a full page illustration, so looks quite good. They changed the title and names of her lead characters for some reason best known to themselves, maybe it suited their style better or something. It's a bit of very light and fluffy nonsense, but that seems to be what they like and as they've paid Sue and published it she's not complaining!
Understand that our friend Chris and wife Rebecca will shortly be deprting from their home in Cairns and are expected in England mid September to celebrate his mother's 100th birthday. Unfortunately the dates of arrival and departure will miss the Scribblers meetings but Dave and wife Ann will meet up with them for a meal.
Did you know that Angela P will be a writer on the Promenade at beach hut 75 on Sunday 30th August - Art on the Prom day. Look out for Purplesnail organisers of 'Shimmer' between the Spa Pavilion and Bent Hill. You will enjoy it.
Following this message is a screenwriting competition and the BBC Writersroom Newsletter. Always worth keeping an eye on our weblog where details of competitions will be usually be posted.
Keep Scribbling!
Screenwriting Competition 2009
‘Put your words into action’
So you’ve written a script.....but how do you get it onto the screen?
WIPST (Writers International Premier Screen Talent) is a new competition looking for raw talent, and the winning writer will see a pilot of their script on screen. It is so difficult to break into the business, to get seen or heard, but with a short movie/television programme to show you can enter film festivals or send it to directors and producers and all the people that make things happen.
Vibe Tv.Tv Ltd is an industry partner looking for great stories in any of the following genres:
Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Horror, Romantic Comedy, Thriller/Suspense, Documentary, Fantasy, Ghost and Open genres.
Our Mission is to create an opportunity for screenwriters to have a 10 min pilot of their work made available for distribution, e.g. to film festivals or Production/TV/Film companies to promote their work and to generate funding for the full project.
The competition aims to create a positive industry and audience exposure for work that would otherwise not be seen. Writers will receive nominations and certificates as they progress through the competition process which will add credence to their CV.
The closing date is November 30th 2009, and the overall winner will be announced on January 18, 2010. A pilot (10 minutes) will be commissioned to promote the screenplay which will be filmed in March/April 2010 at an appropriate location for the screenplay.
For more information about how you can enter the competition, download the attachments, or visit www.vibetv.tv. Sue Powell-Reed, Director
Blog ---- In which this years intake for the Writers Academy and CBBC Masterclass are announced, and Micheál dissects an episode of Fawlty Towers. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/writersroom/
ATTENDING: Barry (chair), Dave, Dick, Debbie, Angela L, Sandy, Stephen, Liliane, Les, Angela P, Amanda, Ros, Ally, Simon, Peter and Tony.
There was a warm welcome for our newest member, Amanda from Baylham. Already a published poet in a collaboration between six British and six Bangladeshi writers, she works as a writer involved in publications for the veterinary trade.
We understand that Les, God bless his cotton socks, is due in hospital on 1st September for a replacement knee operation. Rest assured the Scribblers will be thinking of the poor nurses on that day, and, of course, our Les as well. Good luck Les and see you soon.
Dick informed us that the 2009 Annual Jack Wilkinson Memorial walk takes place on Sunday 20th September, in aid of Cancer Research. As usual there is a choice of three walks of different lengths and details will appear on the weblog very soon. Details and sponsorship forms can be obtained from Wendy Crampton on 01394-275751.
It is rumoured, following a request from Les, that a fourth walk may be included – a 100 yard dash!
The Orwell Connection Christmas Poems need to be with Dick by the end of the month – the poems may be either humorous or religious. Contact Dick for details.
The Anthology is coming to fruition with Barry meeting the printer this week. He has a rough draft of the work that looks very interesting and includes some thirty-five Scribblers both past and present, a real achievement. Well done to the trio of ‘anthologists’ for their hard work in getting this far. The book launch has been arranged for Saturday 28 November with a 7.30 for 8.00pm start. The event will take place at the Castle Lodge Hotel who have offered to host the launch free of charge. Additionally music will be provided by Kol Paterson.
The Murder Mystery may be performed a little later than expected with the possibility of a date being agreed later in February to avoid the main pantomime season. If this is the case then the writers may just squeeze a few more days breathing space. It is also anticipated that in the not too distant future there will be a read through by Rushmere Players.
THE PLATFORM 1,500 word open themed assignment.
Ally: Seeing Red Simon: Quick to tire
500 word assignment on ‘Cataclysm or Cataclysmic’
Tony: Another chapter.... Peter: Scared Sparrow. Ros: Snowflower. Amanda: A Product of its Time. Angela P: Chapter One of a novel. Les: The Gas Man Cometh and The Gas Man Goeth. Liliane: The Island. Stephen: Klismik. Sandie: Pick a Cloud Chapter One of a novel. Angela L: Back in Hadleigh. Extract from a biography. Debbie: Cold Baths and Old Women. Dick: A Lesson Not Learned. Dave: Catter What? Barry: Friendship.
Another evening when the Felixstowe Scribblers Experience really shone through with some excellent work from all writers, from ghost stories, murders, cats in the cosmos, islands within lakes within islands, memories of an old soldier, Pearl Harbour, Lockerbie chapters from books of diverse subjects, a poem and a Suffolk ‘haccent’ or two. A thoroughly enjoyable evening
Is in two weeks time on Tuesday 1st September at 7.30 pm in the Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library. In the chair will be Dick
Please note that as we now meet upstairs then late comers are advised that it will take a couple of minutes to answer the door so please be patient.
1,500 word assignments will be undertaken by Steven and Debbie.
The 500 word assignment for everyone else will be on ‘Psychedelic’
Thanks again to Liliane for collecting the key and providing biscuits along with Peter and to everyone for coming along and making the evening such an enjoyable experience.
Keep Scribbling!
***** Support those who support us! Have a look at Scott’s website at http://www.mrcobblerandmrlocks.co.uk Don’t forget that Scott has special ‘Felixstowe Scribblers’ mugs on sale at £5 each. Not only does it have the Scribblers logo on the front, but your name can also be added on the rear.
A comprehensive website, discovered by Craig, that is packed with help for writers and includes many opportunities is
****** Having experienced difficulty in trying to get my own work read in the past, a friend and I have recently set up a website designed to help new writers get their work noticed by publishers and production companies. Our aim being to try and give unpublished writers an audience they might otherwise struggle to get. The site allows a writer to upload a sample of their work, along with a synopsis of their concept, which is then made available to the publishers and production companies registered with us, some of whom do not otherwise accept unsolicited submissions. A writer’s work remains on the site indefinitely and access to all submissions is restricted to registered companies only. These companies have the option to leave anonymous feedback for any work they view and can also request a writer’s email address for direct contact if they wish. We would like to offer you and your members the chance to upload a free sample of their work on to the site. Our website can be found at www.literaryshowcase.com David Moseley ***** Riverside Writers' meeting dates, events & other useful information:- http://www.myspace.com/riversidewriters http://www.communigate.co.uk/chesh/riversidewriters/index.phtml
****** THE KOL PATERSON BAND Smooth & Groovy JAZZ For all occasions from Solo piano to 5-piece band CD available on request Tel: 01473 712624 Email: kol@ourservice2u.co.uk
A website discovered by our newest member Craig looks very interesting and quite comprehensive. Well worth a look for any writer and - more especially - for all the Scribblers. You'll find the link at:
The next meeting of the Felixstowe Scribblers takes place this coming Tuesday, August 18th in The Room at the Top in Felixstowe Library. Starting at 7.30pm our homework assignment was to write 500 words on “CATACLYSM” or “CATACLYSMIC”. The two 1,500 word open themed work will be provided by Ally and Simon.
Our friend Rochelle, has sent her best wishes to the Scribblers. As you read this, she will be preparing to jet off to the United States for a series of book launches to promote her book 'Beyond the Third Eye' as she has now completed those in Ireland. Not only that but she is now writing her fifth book. A busy lady is our Rochelle!
Understand that the first rough proof of our anthology is with Barry so this is another next step towards our own book launch. The launch will take place at the Cliff Hotel on 28th November but details have yet to be finalised. Kol Paterson has offered his services free of charge to provide background music so things are beginning to take shape.
Below you will find one or two ads that may be of interest... also keep an eye on this weblog for details of any competitions that are received.
Don’t forget that Scott has special ‘Felixstowe Scribblers’ mugs on sale at £5 each. Not only does it have the Scribblers logo on the front, but your name can also be added on the rear.
THE KOL PATERSON BAND Smooth & Groovy JAZZ For all occasions from Solo piano to 5-piece band CD available on request Tel: 01473 712624 Email: kol@ourservice2u.co.uk
Final Call for Entries: Aesthetica Creative Works Competition
The Aesthetica Creative Works Competition is internationally recognised for identifying new artists and writers and bringing them to international attention. 2010 will be the competition's third year and previous finalists have achieved success and recognition with accolades including: writing commissions from Channel 4, selection to represent Australia in the Florence Biennale, exhibitions at DACS (London), John Martin Gallery (London), Flores Fine Art Gallery (New York), inclusion in the International Drawing Competition exhibition (Poland) and the National Geographic International Photographic exhibition. The Aesthetica Creative Works Competition represents the scope of creative activity today, and provides an opportunity for both new and established artists to nurture their reputations on an international scale.
The Aesthetica Creative Works Competition seeks entries of Artwork, Fiction and Poetry Three winners will be awarded £500 each Additional prizes include an Olympus E-420 SLR camera and a boutique holiday for two All finalists will be published in the Aesthetica Creative Works Annual, in stores December 2009 Entry to the 2009 Aesthetica Creative Works Competition is £10 This allows you to submit up to 5 images, 5 poems or 2 short stories Closing date to receive Creative Works is 31 August 2009 For full details please visit www.aestheticamagazine.com/submission_guide.htm Pauline Bache, Marketing Officer, Aesthetica Magazine, PO Box 371, York YO23 1WL. Tel 01904 479168
Keep up with Aesthetica and the latest arts and culture happenings at aestheticamagazine.blogspot.com
Premier Screenwriting Competition 2009
‘From page to screen’
Writers International Premier Screen Talent:
This is a great opportunity for screenwriters to get a pilot made of their movie/TV series
If you think you’ve got what it takes to write a script then this is your chance to see your work on the screen.
Vibe Tv.Tv Ltd is an industry partner looking for great stories in any of the following genres:
Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Horror, Romantic Comedy, Thriller/Suspense, Documentary, Fantasy, Ghost and Open genres.
Vibe’s Mission is to create an opportunity for screenwriters to have a 10 minute pilot of their work made available for distribution, e.g. to film festivals or Production/TV/Film companies to promote their work and to generate funding for the full project.
The competition aims to create a positive industry and audience exposure for work that would otherwise not be seen. Writers will receive nominations and certificates as they progress through the competition process which will add to their portfolio.
The closing date is November 30th 2009, and the overall winner will be announced on January 18, 2010. A pilot (10 minutes) will be commissioned to promote the screenplay which will be filmed in March/April 2010 at an appropriate location.
For more information about how you can enter the competition, download the attachments, visit www.vibetv.tv
ATTENDING: Ruth (chair), Craig, Liliane, Simon, Ally, Rani, Ros, Dick, Connie, Tony, Dave, Trish, Lauren B, Peter, Les, Barry and Jane
A warm welcome was given to another new face, Ipswich based Craig. He was looking for a writing group when he discovered the Scribblers on the Internet. Craig is a poet and short story writer.
Dick has had some good news down at Landguard Fort. Some time ago he wrote a leaflet ‘Spooks at the Fort’ which was printed sold from the shop. It has now been republished in glossy format and will soon be on sale once again, slightly more expensive at £2.35 well worth the money with a far more professional look. If it’s true that Dick is on royalties then perhaps we’ll see a packet of biscuits or three appear from the ether....
Update on the anthology: Barry confirms that the deadline has passed but that he still awaits the foreword and one or two photographs to complete the publication. It is hoped there will be a proof copy from the printers very soon with the initial run of books due in October and the launch one Saturday in November on a date yet to be agreed with Ruth’s parent’s hotel.
Murder Mystery update is that it is progressing well with the team of four meeting once a week at present. Once performed by Rushmere Players it will be adapted with differing victims and endings for further performances elsewhere. Giles of Felixstowe TV fame is aware of it and has sown the seed that this could be lengthened to be a follow-up to The Lost Sock. Very early days yet.
Rani has taken a copy of Telling Tales, a publication that was re-introduced earlier this year. She will read it and give feedback that will be shared by the Scribblers and then forwarded on to its producer, Meadow Publications at Newark. Their website is www.meadowpublications.co.uk
1,500 word open themed assignment.
Trish: Infinite Wisdom. Dave: Dockside.
500 word assignment on ‘INFINITE’
Tony: Chapter 11, Snakes on the Plain. Connie: The Rewards of Crime. Dick: From One to Another. Ros: Maps. Rani: Infinite Patience. Ali: Infinite. Simon: Lots of Stuff. Liliane: Going into Infinity. Ruth: Lighthouse. Jane: Infinite Love (short story) and Infinite Love (poem) Barry: School Holidays. Les: A Lesson for Mavis. Peter: In for a Light.
Another enjoyable evening with some thought provoking work, drama, fantasy, comedy and a spattering of poems for a change. Thanks to all who attended and participated. Thanks to Tony for the cakes and to Liliane for collecting the key.
Is in two weeks time on Tuesday 18th August at 7.30 pm in the Room at the Top, Felixstowe Library. In the chair will be Peter. Liliane will again collect the key.
Please note that as we now meet upstairs then late comers are advised that it will take a couple of minutes to answer the door so please be patient.
1,500 word assignments will be undertaken by Simon and Ally.
The 500 word assignment for everyone else will be on “CATACLYSM” or “CATACLYSMIC”.
Thanks again to Liliane for collecting the key and to everyone for coming along and making the evening another enjoyable experience.
Keep Scribbling!
***** Support those who support us! Have a look at Scott’s website at http://www.mrcobblerandmrlocks.co.uk Don’t forget that Scott has special ‘Felixstowe Scribblers’ mugs on sale at £5 each. Not only does it have the Scribblers logo on the front, but your name can also be added on the rear.
....takes place this coming Tuesday 4th August at 7.30pm in The Room At The Top at Felixstowe Library. Please note that latecomers need to be aware that it takes a couple of minutes to answer the doorbell so please be patient!
The Scribblers have been affected by cancer in the past with their own personal tragedies and deeply moved by the loss of young Jack Wilkinson and, more recently, Liam Fairhurst. Yesterday Suffolk folk, along with those from the North East of England, most especially football fans cannot but be moved by the loss of Sir Bobby Robson. Their are many charities raising funds to find a cure for and fight cancer - so once our Anthology is launched profits from its sale will go to East Anglia's Children's Hospice which cares for and supports the families of children with life-threatening conditions. This is the charity that young Jack supported and raised funds for. So please remember to purchase our anthology and help to support such a caring charity.
Happier news comes from Sue who has received her free copy and payment (yes, she did say payment!!) for 3 poems that have just been published by Macmillan in an anthology called READ ME AT SCHOOL. It's aimed at 7 - 11 year olds, so if anyone has children / grandchildren / nephews, nieces, friends etc. in that age group they might be interested in purchasing a copy. Available in all good book shops, as they say, priced at £7.99. Sue says "it's a bit weird to see her name in amongst the well-known children's poets! Still, it's been a long time coming, as you all well know." Well done Sue.
The anthology has now closed for submissions so, if you missed out this time, sorry! Now for the hard work by Barry, Jane and Les editing and preparing it for the printers. Thanks to everyone who has submitted work, and to the our dedicated trio for their ongoing commitment.
The 500 word homework assignment is "INFINITE" whilst Trish and Dave have agreed to write the 1,500 words open themed work.
The mystery is... who will chair the meeting? Find out on the night!
Interested? Then why not join us at one of our meetings?
We meet on the First and Third Tuesday of each month at the Felixstowe Library in Crescent Road, Felixstowe, IP11 7BY., meetings start at 7.30 pm and we endeavour to be finished by 10pm.
The New!2009 programme is:-
All meetings are held at Felixstowe Library
Start at 7.30 pm and finish by 10.00 pm.
Suggested 50 pence donation per meeting, includes tea or coffee
20 Bill Budner Trophy – Anonymous competition for attending writers only
24 Social meal at Castle Lodge Hotel
25 Group session with Maureen Blundell at Castle Lodge Hotel
3 Meeting
17 Meeting
3 Meeting
17 Creative writing exercise
7 Meeting
21 Meeting
5 Meeting
19 Bill Budner Trophy – Anonymous competition for attending writers only
2 Meeting
16 Meeting
Beach Party Social to be arranged June/July
7 Meeting
21 Creative writing exercise
4 Meeting
18 Meeting
1 Meeting
15 Bill Budner Trophy – Anonymous competition for attending writers only
6 Meeting
20 Torchlight Halloween Meeting
3 Meeting
17 Meeting
1 Meeting
15 Creative writing exercise followed by the Christmas party.
Remember, membership is FREE, so why not come along? We ask for an optional donation of 50p per meeting to help towards running costs but that does include tea or coffee and a biscuit!
New!IMPORTANT - you can help.....do you know information or content that would help other readers of the Felixstowe Scribblers Weblog?...mail us at Dave Feakes, scribblers@btinternet.com with your comments, additions and suggestions TA! The Scribblers.
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The Felixstowe Scribblers are an initiative created with the support of Suffolk County Council to help, support and encourage writers living in Suffolk.