Welcome to Felixstowe Scribblers

Friday, September 30, 2005

Bright Light Multimedia, Brisbane Australia-based publishing company,

Rod Kirkham writes....

Our Brisbane, Australia-based publishing company, Bright Light Multimedia is announcing its latest international online writing competition. I am contacting various writing organisations such as yours to ask if you would please advise your members of this opportunity. I have included some details below and hope this information is suitable for use in your publication or website.

Bright Light Multimedia - Writing Competition (opens October 1st)

Based on the theme “True Love”, the competition is for Articles (300 – 800 words), Short Stories (300 – 1,000 words), and Poems (to 50 lines). Prizes - $100, $50, $25, plus Bright Light product. All finalists published and performed on website and considered for future commercial product release. Entry Fee $5 (up to 2 items). Guidelines and entry form at www.brightlightmultimedia.com. Competition closes December 31st, 2005.

Bright Light Multimedia also sponsors a free online entertainment portal called The Bright Light Café, where writers are invited to submit their unpublished work for possible showcasing (publication and performance) on the Café website, and inclusion in future Bright Light Multimedia commercial projects. I thought your members might also be interested in this opportunity, so I have included some details.

The Bright Light Café - Submission Opportunities

Submit short stories, poetry and articles for possible publication on website and inclusion in future commercial product releases. Submitted material must be ultimately positive and heart-warming. Guidelines and online submission form available at www.brightlightmultimedia.com/BLCafe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by return email.

Thankyou for your help.

Best Regards,

Rod Kirkham

Bright Light Multimedia
Suite 143
236 Hyperdome
Queensland, AUSTRALIA 4129

From the brightlightmultimedia.com website .... 'Bright Light Multimedia publishes positive and uplifting CDs, books, e-books, and free on-line entertainment. Our focus is on happiness, self-discovery, personal growth, fulfilling relationships, inspiring experiences, peace, goodwill with a good dose of show business, positive entertainment, and all things empowering'

Chateau To Chateau, tours and vacations in France.

Chateau To Chateau, leader in tours and vacations in France<br />
Chateau To Chateau, leader in tours and vacations in France
with chateaux accommodation is very happy to propose:
ChateauToChateau The Club new free registration

Paris and France Visits - Wine Tours - Perfume Tours - Cycling Tours
Advanges, Events, Special Tours, Special Offers

Next Meeting at Felixstowe Library on Tuesday 4th October at 7.30

Hi Scribblers,

Just a reminder that our next meeting will be at the Felixstowe Library on Tuesday 4th October at 7.30 pm when the homework theme is taken from the photograph of a garden table and two chairs with a trilby, a single ballet shoe, a walking stickand possibly a rolled up brolly. The photo was supplied by Belinda but unfortunately I am unable to reproduce the photo here or on the website at present.

Judy should be back from her travels so hopefully she will be writing a long piece about her experiences on the high seas etc., whilst Les will provide us with a 1,500 word masterpiece.

The rest of us will try and complete the homework within the 500 word maximum. It's a shame Belinda won't be with us to share the results. Perhaps some could be posted on the website or emailed to her?

Margareta has requested that the last report should be amended because she was not mentioned in it. Unfortunately on the extremely late evening that the report was compiled, the very same day that I received news of the death of a very dear and beloved family friend, some omissions occurred. These happen from time to time even under normal circumstances so yes, Margareta did complete the homework for the evening but as she is aware there was no time to read it out. Also Mavis passed a message to me that Doreen has now moved house and home, but is yet to reconnect to the Internet. Once she has, then Doreen will be back in touch again.

If you haven't yet joined the Online Jotters then why not do so today? It doesn't affect the way Scribblers are run, can add another dimension to your writing interests and will be fun! All you need to do is email onlinejotters@yahoo.co.uk with your full name, email address and location. Just as simple as that! Updates are included on our website at http://nar8or.blogspot.com

Talking of websites, have a look at FelixstoweTV's gorgeous newsreader... our very own Ruth!

Until next Tuesday,

Keep Scribbling!


Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Felixstowe Scribblers Experience

Alex writes....

asked Dave for some copy for the new site and he came back to me with this. Really thought it would be of interest to readers here.

Dave writes....

The Felixstowe Scribblers Experience

It seems incredible that Felixstowe Scribblers Writing Circle is one of the oldest writing groups in East Anglia having been formed well over twenty-five years ago although no record exists of the actual formation date or how the group came into existence. Meeting throughout the last quarter of a century at Felixstowe Library there have been hundreds of would be writers attending meetings, some have gone on to successful writing careers whilst others have been happy to remain as hobby or leisure writers.

There was a time during the mid 1990's when membership had dwindled away to just a handful of writers with only four or five attending meetings. The warning bells rang long and loud. If the group was to survive then new blood was urgently needed and, very gradually new faces came along, most liked what they saw, stayed and helped to rebuild the group.

During the last eighteen months membership has increased dramatically, with an average attendance jumping to twenty each meeting. These new found members form an exciting blend of published and hobby writers making every meeting a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Everyone has a platform to share their work, receive feedback and support. So why this upsurge in membership? Could it be partly from word of mouth and partly from the current Felixstowe Scribblers Weblog which brings up to date news of meetings, competitions and local interest features?

For those who are unable to attend meetings our new Online Jotters offers the facility for them to participate in writing disciplines from the comfort of their own home, a really exciting step forward into the exciting world of the Internet. Membership is open to everyone from any corner of the globe including our own Scribblers too! We have contacts and members from other parts of the UK and as far afield as Australia, Austria, France, and the United States of America. The Scribblers really have become truly international!

The recent introduction of more structured meetings with regular homework assignments has helped develop creative writing skills and opened up a whole new dimension of subjects for our writers. Perhaps this is why we can proudly mention many successes of our members who have featured prominently in local and national writing competitions. Some have been published in magazines for the first time whilst others have been interviewed on BBC Radio Suffolk by a former Scribbler, Rachel Sloane. Some have had their poems read out on air whilst one writer even featured live on television after winning an on-line short story competition. We are equally proud to have newly published novelists and historians in our midst. It really is fantastic that so many of our writers have achieved a measure of success and proved the immense value of our local writing group.

Sincere thanks go to Felixstowe Library and their staff for their ongoing support in providing a comfortable meeting place for our meetings.

Felixstowe Scribblers is a friendly, diverse group with an age span ranging from eleven to nearly eighty! Each gathering is an enjoyable experience so, if you would like to develop your writing skills, why not come along to one of our meetings at FELIXSTOWE LIBRARY or join the Online Jotters.

Dave Feakes
28th September 2005.

Online on the front page of FTV today: You can meet their first real live newscaster, our Ruth Dugdall,

If you click the load the Felixstowe TV homepage it will run automatically.

Dave writes.....

Just looked at FTV and discovered Ruth sitting there... reporting all the local 'secrets' to the nation! She's great.

Cranes Remove Herman Roof.

She's fading fast.

'Cranes Remove Herman Roof: Roof remains have been removed from the Herman de Stern building, and it is now awaiting a final decision on its future - although many guess it will soon only be a memory.' From Felixstowe TV's NewsText

Monday, September 26, 2005

Herman De Stern destroyed in blaze.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Online Jotters:
Post Note No 3


Post Note No 3

Posted : 23rd September 2005

News :
We are well into our second month and membership is rising slowly. Welcome Caz, Jack, Jo, Mark and Morag.

Is there someone you think might be interested to join Online Jotters? – Tell them to contact me at the above e-mail address with their full name, a contact e-mail address and their location.

Yours truly writes: I have my first guinea pig! I am presently compiling a short questionnaire. Who wants to be next to be ‘interviewed’ by me (via e mail) so I can use the piece as their writer’s profile in the future online magazine?

Your feedback is required - how do you want to see the Online Jotters website develop? Would you like others to critique your work? Do you want to share useful writing links? What could you contribute to the joint Scribblers/Online Jotters Anthology?

Here is your chance to have your say.

Two Poetry Competitions : http://www.unitedpress.co.uk/index.htm
A poem about your hometown or area could win you £1,000 in a new poetry competition.
It's free to enter and it's open to all UK residents, young and old. All you have to do is send a poem about life in your own home town or area to:
Local Poem,

United Press Ltd,
Admail 3735,
The best poem will win £1,000 cash and you can send up to three entries, which must be no more than 20 lines and 160 words each.
Closing date December 31st 2005. You cannot enter by email or fax.


has launched a new poetry competition with a difference. Aimed at promoting the work of new and lesser-known writers -
the competition is open to anyone over the age of 16.

Entry is now FREE for submissions of up to three poems.

There is no closing date as the competition is now on-going. Three times a year they will consider the best entries and ask the winning authors for their permission to publish.
How to Enter:-

Poems should be in English and must be your own work.

They may be on any subject and in any form or style but should not exceed 40 lines.

Please state if a poem has been published elsewhere so that due acknowledgement may be given.

Copyright is retained by the author at all times.

The adjudicators' decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.

Entries may be sent electronically to:

(Please paste into main body of email as unsolicited attachments will not be opened)

Alternatively send to: Authors4Authors 1, Alanbrooke, Broadway, Knaphill, Surrey GU21 2RU

(Important: Please enclose a large stamped SAE with your entry)

Worthy of mention and with their permission:

A personal thank you to Ken for helping me decide which poems to send to a recent poetry competition. On Wednesday I had a phone call from Beverley library to say that my poem "Break Free" has been Highly commended and will be included in the East Riding Library anthology and displayed in local libraries.

Think on :

Writer’s Tennis - strictly a 50-word limit.

Part One

I want to be me. Free to do as I want. I hate the humdrum of every day life, sharing a house with those others. I don’t want to repeat the mistakes they made. What’s wrong with me choosing to study, spending time in my room, working on my computer?

Yours Truly

Part Two

I’m doing them no harm. Let them sink lagers and puff on joints. If that’s what does it for them, then fine. I’d rather use my brain than fuse it. This computer is the door of opportunity for me. When I log on I never know where I’ll end up.

Mike W.

Part Three

Or who I'll meet on the way. There are so many voices on the internet, their faces made up only by the words they type. That's how I met the most important person in my life right now. A person that would give me the opportunity I so badly needed.

Louis V.

Part Four

The opportunity had been a long time coming but now it had arrived, it was decision time. All the hope and hard work I had put in was about to pay dividends. In front of me, on screen. A new beginning at my fingertips. It really was ‘now or never’

Dave F.

Part Five

Sure, I had a good job, one I really liked; how many people can say that? Indispensable? Yes ... NO, of course not, my ego isn't THAT big, is it? But still, his proposal was so very tempting.Deb F.

Part Six

But like many proposals and cherry pie ideas, there was always the small print to consider. What was hidden and what was extra? Maybe it seemed too good and then it could be that I as being overly cautious. Only time and truth would reveal if it would work out

Mark W.

Part Seven

Please include in your email your permission should it be chosen for the next part.

Check online : http://www.uk-open-learning.com/ UK Open Learning is based in the Lake District and run by Shaun Bird, Carol Wedgwood and Lynne Wedgwood who employ a team of dedicated professionals to help students study for a wide choice of courses including the following:

Creative Writing Diploma
Fiction Writing Course
Freelance Journalism
Short Story Writing Course
Writing Books For Children

The National Association of Writers' Groups
http://www.nawg.co.uk/ encourages writing groups of all kinds to join so that their members can take advantage of free writing competitions. The competitions have been held since the association was formed in 1995. Each year ten categories of writing are available to members to enter. Groups can enter their anthologies for the Denise Robertson Trophy, while individual writers compete for engraved glass trophies.

Categories have included free verse, formal and rhymed poetry, short and long fiction, play-writing, monologues and non-fiction. The entry forms are available in December, while the deadline is during April. The competitions are available to members only. Short listed members are announced in August and the winners declared at the Gala Evening at the Festival of Writing. This is held in Durham University over the first weekend in September.

The Festival offers 36 workshops, nine on Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, plus Sunday morning, with leaders with a wide range of writing skills. All types of writing are covered: poetry, short and long fiction, non-fiction and other more specialised genres.

Group members also receive Link magazine, the association newsletter, every other month. Individuals can join the association too, and they have the right to enter the free competitions.


Quality Women's Fiction (QWF) are taking new submissions again from women writers from all over the world.

Until the next time :

Lazy summer days may be behind us but at least we have the memories in photos

Selby Canal, Yorkshire Recognise where these Beach Huts are?
Selby CanalThe beach huts are in Southwold of course.....
Both courtesy of Gordon McGeachie.

What is your favourite summer moment?

Yours truly

yours truly

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 20th September

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 20th
September 2005

Apologies were received from Ruth who is having to baby-sit. Sue has had to go to Harwich to collect her son from the ferry after he and a friend had their bikes stolen in Holland. Judy is back in England but unable to make the meeting. Dick is away on holiday. Christine sent her apologies. Jack and Caz were unable to attend after a very tiring time having been first at Great Ormond Street and then at Addenbrooks for the last week. Understandably they are very tired and need time to rest.

A special welcome to Zoe who came along for the first time this evening. Zoe is a poet who has been published in a church magazine. In attendance with Zoe were Alex, Ann, Morag, Liliane, Diane, Scott, Peter, Les, Mark, Gordon, Bill, Belinda, Rachel, Tony, Ken, Mavis, Kate and Dave.


A somewhat sad evening as this was Belinda's last meeting before she and Geoff leave Suffolk at the end of the month to jet off to their other home 'down under'. On behalf of the Scribblers, Morag presented Belinda with a pen as
a small reminder of her days with all her friends here at Felixstowe. It has been both refreshing and rewarding with Belinda in our group. Her contributions to the literary work have been excellent and, along with Geoff, have played
leading roles in our social calendar. Our sincerest thanks to them and the very best of wishes for their future. Future meetings just will not be the same. Stay in touch Belinda, and don't forget to join the Online Jotters!


I have heard from Richard who is still unable to get along to our meetings but hopes to make his return in the not too distant future.

Our friends Keith and Sharon have wanted to continue attending scribblers, but their work commitments have got in the way and unfortunately continue to do so. Keith's boss asked him to study for his Certificate in Education then placed a Health and Safety course and now that's complete, he's sending him on a Basic Skills level 4 specialism. Keith still teaches photography at the Suffolk College and his evening classes are so popular that he now runs them two evenings a week one being on a Tuesday night.

Sharon 's colleague went off sick towards the end of the academic year, which meant she had to do his teaching as well as her own. The college then decided that there wasn't a need for two psychology lecturers and Sharon is
now the only psychology lecturer in the A level centre and has started this academic year with 160 psychology students!!! She also teaches psychology on both Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

As you can see this means they are unable to come to Scribblers at the moment. Sharon says 'We do miss you all and we have been reading the news letters that you send us, so that we can keep up to date with all that is
happening and we have been taking a particularly special interest in Jack's progress. We are both hoping that one day, we will be able to return will try and complete some of the homework now and again and email it to you. Both Keith and I send our regards to all the scribblers and hope to see you all soon "

Now if they aren't hectic lifestyles, I don't know what is!


"How many Scribblers have home PC's, are online but yet to join Online Jotters?" asks Jan.

"Here is an Invitation for Ann Belinda Caz Christine Diane Dick Geoff Gordon Jack Judy Kate Ken Les Liliane Lisa Mark Mavis Morag Peter Rachel Ruth Scott Sue and Tony to become members.

"Yours truly asks you to get in touch onlinejotters@yahoo.co.uk All that is required to become a member is your full name e-mail address and location."

There was much interest shown at the meeting and it seems that some will soon be joining our merry little throng. Don't forget to join in the Writers Tennis too. The latest additions are on the website.

TALKING OF THE WEBSITE http://nar8or.blogspot.com

Alex has been adding all sorts of interesting news, competitions and images to the site. He is working very hard on this but has found that some of the comments that are being posted under some items have not been in the best of
taste. Unfortunately the blog system is open to anyone at all to view and add comments. We are considering adding a disclaimer to the website along the lines that 'any offensive comments, or those containing bad or foul language,
derogatory remarks or unconnected issues [such as advertisements] will be removed.' That should cover us both legally and morally.

Alex also informs me that we have now purchased our domain name and the new website will soon appear even whilst it is 'under construction'. Keep an eye out for details.


Alex also reported that he went along to the recent meeting of the new group. Everyone there (well all 7 of them) were really lovely and are all absolutely super writers - but as a group it's very, very raw and entirely different to the scribblers. Overall there are currently nine members. Alex has included a report on the website.HAVE YOU PEEKED AT IT YET?

That's Gordon and Rexie's site http://gigglebits.blogspot.com


Some Scribblers gather at the Alex on the seafront after the meetings for an informal chat over a drink - the invitation is open to everyone after meetings so why not come along? It nicely rounds off a pleasant evening's entertainment. Great idea of Alex's….


Belinda read out one of the two long pieces for the final time. Entitled 'Transplanting Sensations'; it highlighted with the whole emotive subject of organ transplants. Peter followed with 'its Only Money' that dealt with the subject of obtaining a bank loan.

As far as 'Sensations' was concerned, this seemed an easy enough subject to write about and yet some members felt it was a rather difficult task.Bill, with 'Random', Mark with 'Sci Fi' and Scott with 'Bad Luck' all read work prepared for earlier meetings. Les, Ann, Mavis, Morag, Liliane and Kate all produced work entitled either 'Sensation' or 'Sensations'. Both Ann and Kate's work will form part of the novels they are writing. Rachel read 'Smelly Memories', Gordon 'Smear Campaign' and Zoe a sweet poem 'Waking'. Alex surprised us with his work that began 'He was dead…' Diane read out a report of her visit to Henham Park which forms part of her degree course, Tony shared 'The Tank' and Dave 'Life on the Line.'

There was just time to include Jan's short poem 'Rejection' which was read by Ken. We just had to fit it in to appease the number of occasions Jan's homework that has not been able to be read out.


The new assignment was chosen by Belinda is something entirely different. She has produced a photograph that needs you to decide on what has, or is about to, happen to the scene, or the people. Be it a story or a poem, there is a strict maximum of 500 words. Alex will post the photograph on the website for those who have not received a

There will be two 1,500 open themed pieces. Judy has asked to write some of her seafaring experiences down whilst Les will produce the other long work.

Our next Felixstowe Scribblers meeting is in two weeks time on Tuesday 4th October at the usual 7.30pm start time.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling!


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

An old favorite....

Ipswich Writing Group update.....

Alex writes....

Popped along to our new neighbours the new Ipswich Writers Group tonight....can report that there is some really dazzling writing going on and the Group are some really lovely people. Its a very young group and the format of the meeting is really quite different to how the Scribblers runs....four 2-4000 word pieces are examined in forensic detail by the whole group. Really enjoyed it, would without any reservation recommend. Best wishes from the Scribblers to the Ipswich Writers Group.

The(ir) next planned meetings are:
Monday 17th October, 7pm - 9.30pm
Wednesday 23rd November, 7pm - 9.30pm
Monday 19th December, 7pm - 9.30pm

The first 10-15 minutes of the meeting will be set aside for introductions
of any new members and then it will be business as usual.

At this month's meeting, (they) discussed moving the meeting venue elsewhere.
Unless told otherwise, the meeting in October will be at the Ipswich Library Lecture Room.

Monday, September 19, 2005

‘Writing and Selling magazine articles’ course at Belstead House 25th – 27th November..

Morag writes......

Got another message from Alan Fisk about his Belstead House course. It’s called ‘Writing and Selling magazine articles’ and is on the weekend of 25th – 27th November.

UPDATE 20.9.05

Jan writes.....

There isnt a link for Belstead house online but if you are interested I have managed to find you an e mail addy belstead.house@educ.suffolkcc.gov.uk


Jan adds....

There are still spaces on the Writing and Selling magazine articles' Weekend at Belstead House for the weekend of 25th - 27th November.

The cost is £105 residential, £85 non-residential

Contact Elaine Golledge with your name and address who can send you the course programme.elaine.golledge@educ.suffolkcc.gov.uk

Sunday, September 18, 2005

New Writing Partnership : New Writing Types event in Norwich 24-28th October (Half Term) 2005.

New Writing Types is devised for ambitious writers who are keen to develop their craft, with five days of Writing Lab sessions in the mornings, and Forum panel discussions in the afternoon. Go to New Writing Partnership : New Writing Types....informaton or New Writing Partnership index. Prices vary but the season pass is a very reasonable £100 - shame its up the A140 really.


Dave writes....

Any chance of posting this which is from Rexie and Gordon, please? Obviously Gordons wonderful words...

Welcome to Gigglebits, the brand new site designed to give you a little light relief from all the stresses and strains of modern life.

Gigglebits aims to tickle your fancy by serving up a diet of bite sized chunks of humorous writing. So if you've had a bad day at the office, Gigglebits will be just the job, putting a smile back on your face and maybe even provoking the odd belly laugh into the bargain.

Alex writes....

Absolutely fantastic.

Good Housekeeping Short Story competition.

Spotted by Kate....

Write a short story and win a Laptop worth £1000 and Publication in Good Housekeeping, and advice over lunch with Ali Gunn, Literary Agent with Curtis Brown.

Good Housekeeping (please note - there is no information about the Competiton on the Good Housekeeping website - the link is provided for information only.)

Open College of the Arts - Creative Writing Courses

Spotted by Kate.....

Open College of the Arts - Creative Writing Courses Matching observation, verbal skills and imagination, OCA's writing courses help you to develop your personal style and to believe in your ability.

ourses available are CW1: Starting to Write CW1: Poetry CW1: Lifelines - Autobiography CW2: The Experience of Poetry CW2: Storylines CW2: I-Lines (Imaginative Non-Fiction) CW2: Making 'Magic' Happen CW3: Advanced

Start Writing - online short courses from the Faculty of Arts, The Open University.

Spotted by Kate....

These new courses on different aspects of writing are aimed at beginners and take 12 weeks to complete. The topics range from learning how to write a good essay, communicating more effectively on the Internet and writing about family history, to helping you to develop creative writing skills, whether you are interested in writing fiction, poetry or plays. All courses are taught online and require approximately six hours a week study time. Passing a course will give you 10 credit points that can count towards an Open University degree.

On offer are the following - Start Writing for the Internet (A171) Start Writing Essays (A172) Start Writing Family History (A173) Start Writing Fiction (A174) Start Writing Poetry (A175) Start Writing Plays (A176)

Start Writing - online short courses from the Faculty of Arts, The Open University

A different kind of writing competition: Richard & Judy's 'Win your true life story in print!

Spotted by Kate ....

A different kind of writing competion but it is worth noticing if only for the prize money - the finalist will work with a world class ghost writer to write their book and a publishing contract with leading publishers Random House, with a guaranteed advance of £25,000 plus royalties.

Richard & Judy's true life story in print competiton.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Now hot off the presses: Felixstowe TV publishes a fortnightly NEWSPAPER.

The front page of the new Inside Felixstowe Publication from Felixstowe TV.
Now hot off the presses:

Felixstowe TV has finally bitten the bullet, and published a fortnightly NEWSPAPER in Felixstowe - that a NEWSPAPER as in filled with news - not just advertising and PR. It is properly written by journalists, has load of information as well as news, and there are advertising opportunities for people who want to do so. The paper has a COVER PRICE of 30p - after what is free is usually worth it!

You can buy it in many town centre retailers, plus in Old Felixstowe, Girlings Newsagents in Langer Road, Wintermans News - etc, and we should be including more Village sites next edition. We tried to get into Kirton Village shop, but were unable to make contact with the managers, so if anyone in Kirton wants to distribute the paper, we'd be glad to hear from you!

You can find this edition's front page at:


I hope you all rush out and buy it!

Best wishes
Chris Gosling
07931 310254

Have you joined Online Jotters yet.......

This is an Announcement for Tuesday 20th Septembers Meeting repeated here for those of you who cant make it.....

How many Scribblers have home pc’s and are online but are yet to join Online Jotters?

Here is an Invitation for them to become members.

Yours truly asks you to get in touch onlinejotters@yahoo.co.uk

All that is required to become a member is your full name e-mail address and location

So Keep Scribbling and Jotting,

Hope to see you Tuesday,


The next meeting at Felixstowe Library Tuesday 20th September at 7.30 pm.

Hi Scribblers,

Just a reminder that our next meeting will be at the Felixstowe Library on Tuesday 20th September at 7.30 pm when the homework theme will be "Sensations" set by Jack.

We are hoping Jack and Caz will be with us although Jack is currently in Addenbrooks but is expected home on Monday. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

Goodbye Belinda and Geoff...we will miss you :-(
Tuesday will also be Belinda and Geoff's final meeting at the Scribblers - unless they manage to change their minds again and stay! - It will be sad to see them go, but they've been away from Australia for a long time and the need to go home for a bit of sunshine has become too great!


Writing opportunities - cinnamon press

Sian Michaels writes....

Cinnamon Press currently has a number of writing opportunities for poets and full length fiction writers, as detailed below.
cinnamon press home page

Feel free to contact us for any clarification or further information:

1. The second Cinnamon Press first collection and novel awards: Cinnamon Press Poetry Collection & Novel Writing Awards for entrants who have not previously had a collection/novel published. Entries by post with sae.

Poetry - ten poems; any style up to 40 lines, each on a separate sheet with nom de plume and collection title & details on a separate sheet.

Novels - first 10,000 words - Prizes - poetry - £100, plus a contract to complete a collection; runners up and best short-listed published in winners' anthology (free copy with entry - normal price £7.99) novel - £500 plus publication contract. Entry £16 per poetry collection (including copy of anthology); £20 per novel to 'Cinnamon Press' Deadline - 30th November 2005. Full details - www.cinnamonpress.com or sae to: Cinnamon Press, Meirion House, Glan yr afon, Tanygrisiau, Blaenau Ffestiniog, Gwynedd, LL41 3SU.

Best wishes

Sian Michaels,
Cinnamon Press

A request for help.....and an offer of help....

The Hand in Hand club.

Hi, my name is Dawn Wright and I run the Hand in Hand club. This is a social club for people that are partially sighted and hard of hearing. I have had a request from one of my members for someone to read poetry, some of 'the old favourites'!! Do you know anyone that may be able to help. We meet at Northgate Sports Centre on the 1st Thursday of the month 1pm - 4pm. Ideally I would like someone to come on October 6th. I do have a budget to pay for speakers and we also provide a lovely cup of tea, biscuits and a warm Welcome!! If you would prefer to phone me, my number is 01394 671422.
Many thanks Dawn

Pennine Publishing
My name is Sarah and I am writing to introduce Pennine Publishing, a dynamic new self publishing company based in Cheshire (UK). I am sure there are people within your writing group that have material worthy of publishing and this is where we’d like to offer our services.

If anyone in your group would like further details of Pennine Publishing and what we offer, please feel free to pass on my contact details and I would be happy to send a complimentary copy of our guide to publishing.

Many thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Regards, Sarah

Sarah Newcombe BA (Hons) English Literature Pennine Publishing Ltd.

(0845) 225 1250 sarah@pennine-publishing.com

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Comment Invited 3:
All it would take is a pull of the switch and you buy the farm, bigtime.

Dave writes.....

Will you please post the attached story from Mark on the website whenever you can. He's looking for comments from the scribblers and would appreciate some feedback at some stage. Can either be posted on the site or sent to scribblers@ntlworld.com and marked feedback.

Shock Treatment

Tom sat there, all trussed up and nowhere to run.

He had been in charge, in control, he had always been a man who knew where everything, and everyone was at every single minute of the day. In fact he had always prided himself on that. To say that this maniacal obsession with absolute control drove everyone around him totally nuts.

Andy Warhols the Electric Chair - one of a sieries of prints

The sweat rolled down his brow and onto his nose, this was agony for him. He tried to look around but couldn’t see a thing. He hated the darkness, always had since he was a kid. Now he craved the light, he desperately wanted that safety. He could taste the fear, sensing that the time drew ever near. The sands of time trickling away, each minute grain mocking him with glee as it dropped to the bottom of fate’s bottomless pit. He wanted to scream in frustration but that release was taken from him as well.

Footsteps, heavy footfalls, sounded like boots….whispers too, he knew that he was being watched. Who were they….whoever they were, were they in darkness? Did they fear it like he did? So many questions now, so many….would any answers come his way? He had always had the answers, always in control……except for one minute when he lost all that…..why, oh why….that one time, lord and Christ why. All these questions bounced around in his mind, jostling for position in there with the abject fear and terror. The memories, sweet memories stayed in the corner of his consciousness and kept a low profile, hiding within the shadows of his current state of mind and being.

Fingers, feeling now, clutching at fate….attached to hands that would, that did condemn and much more. The evil that men do, he had always remembered and quoted that, saying it to many, like a sermon to the fallen. He had always enjoyed saying that.

No one after a while really enjoyed hearing it anymore, they avoided conversation with him. That was fine by him as he had always felt himself too good for the mundane trivia of polite conversation. He had always had good, important work to do, control, efficiency, time…..of the essence. A few more of the grains fell towards the plateau of his pre-determined fate and gave him the one finger salute on the way down, it was as if the world and time itself had it in for him.

What had he done?….he clamoured for a memory but that one memory stayed firmly curled up in the dark corner of recall, refusing to play or take part in any nostalgia trip.

More footsteps…..a pat on the hand that almost made him jump, he had always had nerves of steel, always proud of that.

Now, ahhhh, yes….a life, but well spent? No!….a life taken. The memory stepped forward from the depths, glowering at him, scowling at the request for show.

More footsteps behind him now then they stopped dead. Fear, not time, is of the essence, he decided.

The sound, the chime of the clock and it is for him that the bell tolls tonight.

The searing energy of it all surged through his body then the scorching light and from there the pitch, eternal darkness. His last thought was of his dear wife, sadly departed…..he had seen to that, the cheating bitch! The electricity died a few moments after he did.

Sentence of execution passed on Thomas Wayland III at………………………, former Governor of this very same institution. May his soul rest in pieces.

The copyright of this piece rests with the original author.

Read earlier complete pieces placed to invite comment Criticism Requested 1:
and Criticism Requested 2:
Ann's beginning of a Historical Novel.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 6th September 2005

Felixstowe Scribblers Report of Meeting 6th September 2005


were received from Judy who is briefly back in Britain but expects to be at Scribblers again in October and looks forward to meeting and hearing the work of new members. Diane is home from South Africa but has a lot of preparation work to do for her history project. Louis is in Canada, Scott and Bill are also on holiday whilst Ann is recovering in Majorca after her daughter's wedding! Mark's partner is unwell so had to look after his son.


attendance were Alex, Kate, Liliane, Belinda, Ruth, Jack, Les, Gordon, Peter, Dick, Ken, Caz, Christine, Morag, Lisa, Rachel, Geoff, Tony and Dave.


A lot has happened since our last meeting here at the Library. It was a lovely social that everyone enjoyed at the Grosvenor and, glad to say, there were no tears for Belinda and Geoff as they haven't left the country yet!
They should be with us for one more meeting after today.


A report of the meeting has already been circulated and can be viewed in full on our website at
http://nar8or.blogspot.com Main features surrounded the decision to retain the present format of meetings although, should membership continue to grow, then some plans have been formulated.

A reminder that our meeting on the 1st November will be a Halloween 'special'. You are all invited to prepare your ghostly stories to read at the meeting which will be held by torchlight [so if you have a spare torchlight or two, please bring it along to add to the atmosphere!

A winter social is planned for the Grosvenor on Tuesday January 31st 2006 and a summer evening beach party is planned for 27th June next year.

Also planned is an anthology with half the proceeds going to charity. At present three possibles have been suggested. Cancer Research, Macmillan Nurses and the St Elizabeth Hospice. Other suggestions are welcome.
Details will follow later when the charity will be confirmed.


There have been a few messages over the past week or so. Edward Giles one time respected member of the Scribblers is unable to come along to meetings anymore but is looking well and wishes to be remembered to everyone. Since the loss of his wife, Edward has made a decision to stay in his lovely Suffolk home.

Debbie has also been in touch via the Online Jotters. She was responsible for providing a website for the Scribblers when our original website 'broke down' and requests for it to be repaired fell on deaf ears. Debbie was our saviour then but circumstances saw her move to France with her partner Alex and they now sound very happy and relaxed in Cavron St Martin. I wonder if she will ever finish the very interesting book that she was working on before leaving England.

Word too from former secretary Marilyn Lamond who returned to England from Spain with husband Steve. Having moved to the Midlands they now expect to move to the South Coast soon. They have their Spanish home up for sale. Sad news that their lovely dog Jade died recently.

Patricia, a lady with a really great talent for poetry, has joined the Online Jotters and sends her wishes to the Scribblers. It is a long time since she was able to attend a meeting but now the Online Jotters will help her to keep in touch. They all send their wishes to Scribblers old and new.


Apologies for non-attendance of the previous two meetings. I gave up my teaching job in July and I have started private tuition and have become very busy teaching in the evenings, which includes Tuesday evenings. It is with
regret that initially, while I am building up my business I don't think I will be able to make the Felixstowe Scribblers meetings. Please accept my apologies; I have thoroughly enjoyed the company, the laughs and the stories and maybe when things settle down this end, I could rejoin, with your kind permission.

Please send my regards to all the group, thanking them for the hospitality and welcome and I wish the Scribblers the best of everything for the future.

Isn't that sad? For us I mean! I am certain all the Scribblers will wish her every success with her career and that we should be saying thankyou to Ellen for helping to make our meetings so enjoyable.


In their penultimate meeting, Belinda presented the Scribblers with a parting gift for making them so welcome here at Felixstowe - well, isn't that what we do best? - It was a lovely gesture that has swelled the tea fund and ensured we
have biscuits and a good old brew up for many meetings to come.


Tony has adapted one of Gordon's famous stories - the one about the knees - for a sketch that will be performed on the evenings of the 7th and 8th of October at Rushmere School Ipswich. These are special nights when the admission includes a fish and chip supper. - Contact Tony for details of how and where to get the tickets.


It seems that a lot of filming sessions have taken place with many more to come. I understand Rachel Sloane is being filmed for her cameo role this Saturday and could cause a few nasty shocks for anyone in the vicinity.Last weekend saw the Volunteer LifeBoat assisting the filming with, shall we say, less than flat seas. Thanks to them all and of course to the two actors involved in the scenes, Nigel and Jacky.

There are a couple of short clips that can be viewed at


A reminder that if anyone would like to be an extra that they phone or email Giles Meehan as soon as possible. Tel. EDIT(03.01.06)********contact details removed***********Alternatively contact Chris Gosling at controlroom@felixstowetv.co.uk


A reminder that some of the Scribblers gather at the Alex on the seafront after the meetings. Its nice to have an informal chat over a drink - the invitation is open to everyone after meetings. It nicely rounds off the evening's entertainment. Great idea of Alex's…


The Online Jotters has started well and has about a dozen members already which is terrific for something so fresh. Jan has already had her first post on the website with the second one following this weekend. It is intended that posts will be made every two weeks initially. If you haven't joined or know someone who could benefit from this service, then please email


The email will go to Jan to be answered by Yours Truly but - please note - these do not come to me. If you wish to contact me then please send your email to

THANKS to everyone who suggested and helped me through me predicament. In the end it was Diane back from her holiday in South Africa who came up with the goods. Thankyou!


The long pieces were read out by Kate and Dick. Kate began by reading out 'Shock Waves' the middle part of a story she is writing. Dick read the third part of 'Samantha's Sock that he is writing for children. Following on from that came a really diverse collection of work involving out of body experiences, vampires, dentists, dating on line, sexual activities courtesy of Les, colour prejudice, overcoming drug addiction and violent flying insects to name but a few topics.


started the ball rolling with his poem 'Got Your Head in the Clouds', followed by Belinda with 'A Perfect Stroke'. Lisa provided 'A Nasty Shock' at Liverpool Street Station, and Gordon 'Dracula's Curse'. Les created 'Below the Belt' that provided the punch line of the night. Rachel's 'Resurrection' was a stunning piece of writing whilst Alex changed his style and for once delivered an untitled short story with a twist in its tale. Ruth, who has just sent six chapters of her new book off to an agent, read another excerpt to the group. Tony read his 'Fly By Day' whilst Christine read the 'Nasty One' together with 'The Shelter'. Liliane gave us another insight into her family with 'Lock Up Your Daughters' and Peter recalled 'A Stab in the Face' Dave rounded the night off 'On a Promise' …if only!!!

Time was limited so rather than name and shame Caz, Ken and Morag for having no homework [!!!], we were still unfortunately unable to fit in Jan's submission 'Nick'.


The new assignment was chosen by Jack as a special request with 'Sensations' his choice. Belinda will do one of the 1,500 open themed stories for her last meeting in England and Peter will do the other one. Following this meeting a diary, [promised earlier], will provide a record of those who have read out long pieces. This will ensure everyone is given the opportunity on a fairly even basis.

The rest of us are tied to that strict maximum of 500 words for the themed homework.

Our next Felixstowe Scribblers meeting is in two weeks time on Tuesday 20th September at the usual 7.30pm start time.

Until then,

Keep Scribbling


BBC Radio Suffolk’s Rachel Sloane “Shot” for FTV Mini-Serial
Latest Mini clip on Felixstowe TV website.

Rachel Sloane, BBC Radio Suffolk star presenter lies “wounded” on the prom near the Pier on Saturday morning - after being “shot” for the FTV mini-serial.
Radio Suffolk Star Wounded?: Rachel Sloane, BBC Radio Suffolk star presenter lies “wounded” on the prom near the Pier on Saturday morning - after being “shot” for the FTV mini-serial. She was “saved” by 2 of highly skilled and qualified ambulancemen from the Port of Felixstowe, and we’re glad to say she will be sufficiently recovered from her “injuries” to make her usual appearance on her Monday afternoon show - Rachel Sloane reported on her filming experience with Felixstowe TV on her BBC Radio Suffolk programme this afternoon (12th September). Find more details and clip on the mini-serial website or go to the Felixstowe TV website.

The Rushmere Players present our Gordon's piece.

Remember Gordon's piece knees - from a few months ago. Well Tony is putting on a night of plays which will include Tony's a dramatised version of Gordon's piece. The details for the event are provisionally as follows....

The Rushmere Players present...a Night of Plays.
7th and 8th of October.
730pm Start.
Rushmere Hall School,
Lanark Road,

£6/7 including a Fish and Chip dinner (or Sausage (or veggie burger)).
For details call Tony 01394 270484.

Friday, September 02, 2005

The next meeting 7.30 on Tuesday 6th September:
homework is "Nasty Shock"

The Alex TerraceHmmm looks inviting
Hi Scribblers,

The next meeting is at 7.30 on Tuesday 6th September when the homework assignment is "Nasty Shock" for everyone except Kate and Dick who have promised to do the 1,500 word open themed pieces.

Hope to see you there.

Don't forget that for an after meeting 'wind-down' drink and chat, a few of the Scribblers meet at the Alex. Everyone welcome. The more the merrier - if we get a good crowd will have to try and work on a commission basis!

An important local issue:
The NHS Suffolk East Primary Care Trusts regarding the Consultations.

The Bartlet Annexe
Dave writes....

Have received a letter from the NHS Suffolk East Primary Care Trusts regarding the Suffolk East Public Consultations "Changing for the Better" and "Changing Mental Health Services" which you can read about and join the discussions at www.suffolkeast.nhs.uk/changing

Alex writes....

buried in this document which appears to be a worthy but for any an ultimately uninteresting debate on the future of local mental health services they just sneak in on page 16 the closure of the Bartlet.




Present : Dave Feakes [secretary],
Caz Wilkinson [treasurer], Morag Clarke, Dick Bradshaw and Alex Price

Thanks :

Special thanks go to Liliane for collecting the keys and opening up early and helping, along with Alex and Scott, to set up the Library for the meetings. Also to Caz for arranging the Social despite all the personal concerns. To Alex for his undying efforts with the website and for arranging refreshments. To Jan for getting the Online Jotters up and running. To Gordon and Diane for their offers of help.

Attendances :

Everyone very pleased with the growth in membership despite some earlier reservations from one or two members about the length of meetings. Theoretically we are able to use Felixstowe Library between 7.30 and 10.00pm
and our objective is to finish the meetings by 10.00pm.
Careful time management has alleviated the need for any drastic action following this welcome growth in membership. Unanimous decision to retain present format. Plans are in place to meet any future changes in circumstance. It was observed that the average age of the group has dropped significantly whilst the quality of writing from new members has been staggeringly high. All Scribblers work seems to go from strength to strength thanks partially to our diverse homework themes.

As far as criticism and comment is concerned, there are options available - either to allow the work to be posted on the website for general comment, or to provide copies to be taken home by 'volunteers' for more of an in depth

Treasurer's Report : The Scribblers are in profit and have covered all bills and expenses to date. There are still some anthologies at Magpie Books which need to be paid for. Our stock is down to 10 copies [can be purchased for £3] Our regular but modest source of income is from refreshments/donations, the coffee fund proving a real boon to deal with the

Website :Alex is doing a really good job with the weblog and ensuring two fresh postings a week. Very soon we will have a new website 'FelixstoweScribblers.com' and details will follow shortly.

We aim to cannibalise Debbie's former site to include old newsletters etc in an 'archive' section. There will be clear instructions on how to post a comment. Separate areas/pages for both Jotters and Scribblers will be provided. There will be a Showcase of published authors and their work and also a special pen picture gallery which we hope will include all members. A short questionnaire will be provided and these will be used as a basis of information for the pen pictures. Photos can be included if required. Photos from social events will be included as well. Alex hopes to give a Power Point presentation to members to demonstrate all features of the website to the Scribblers.

Website newsletter. A Scribblers online newsletter was discussed and is a possibility but a decision still has to be made, It is possible to include a selection of various homework themes in a newsletter - but this should not be a distraction from the new anthology [see below]. Only publish with permission of the authors who retain copyright. The Online Jotters already have plans for a newsletter.

Online Jotters :

Initial membership is up to 11 and includes writers from Germany and also France [Denise from UNESCO] which is far better than anticipated. Jan has done her first posting on the weblog. There were some technical difficulties over posting but these should soon be remedied.

Business Cards, Letter Heads, Compliment Slips, Libraries Posters:

We are hoping to provide 'business cards' to provide basic details of meeting days times, website address, and contact details etc. These would serve as 'membership cards' for all new Scribblers and handed to interested people at opportune times. Cards could be marked 'presented by'.

Socials :

After another great social at the Grosvenor, the date has been pencilled in for the winter social on Tuesday 31st January at the same venue. A suggestion for a beach 'party' was suggested by Ellen, this to be of approximately an hour's duration to read a selection of work followed by refreshment in a local hostelry. Too late for this year but 27th June 2006 has been pencilled in already. There are after meeting drinks at the Alex to wind down and chat. An idea has been formulated for a special Halloween night at our November 1st meeting that will be held by 'torchlight' [no naked lights] with a Halloween/ghostly theme.

Felixstowe TV and the mini serial

: Was a brilliant writing project which is currently being filmed complete with some Scribblers in acting roles and others appearing as extras. A new request for writing historical features [up to 800 words in length] together with personally taken photographs brought cautionary thoughts after earlier bad experiences with a local 'businessman'.

2006 project - a new anthology?

Definite decision made against organising another 'Culturama' type event. We are simply a writers group but would be happy to participate in other organisations events. Possibly to arrange a Sunday display in the Library or take part in their official re-opening once the refurbishment is completed.

General agreement to go ahead with a new Anthology but this time do a 50-50 with a charity, possibly Macmillan Nurses, St Elizabeth Hospice or Cancer Research? Macmillan perhaps could help with publishing/publisher? Further ideas are welcome from the membership. The layout and binding must be improved from our first attempt Looking for around 100 pages to include all Scribblers and Online Jotters work.

10.Any Other Business : None

Felixstowe TV: the latest on the mini sieries: and a request from Giles.

Request forwarded from Giles Meehan :

Music video - actors required! Chris needs three actors for a one-off music video, which features a rather stylish jazz duo. One of the songs is a story which needs three characters to illustrate; first, a man, 40-50, to play an author. Needs a "lived-in" face, looks reaonably fit. We need a girl, appears around 20ish, although perhaps with a young face, and finally a French waiter, tall, skinny, any age.
There are NO LINES. The roles are just to illustrate the story in the song.
In addition, if anyone has a reasonable-sized yacht, or large motor cruiser, in the family, we'd like one to use as a setting for part of this song!
Chris Gosling wwwelixstowetv.co.uk
EDIT(03.01.06)********contact details removed***********
Also an update on the filmimg schedule....
The schedule's changed slightly because of availability etc., but here's the plan as it stands:
Sun 4 Sep ("Art on the Prom" day), 10:30-12:00 (meeting by the fish hut near the pier):
The boat scenes by the pier (E3 S4&5 p6-7): Percy & Rita, Misc 1 + Misc 2, and hopefully a good crowd (let people know!).

If one or two people are free to help with the boat, that would be good (but it would probably mainly just be standing around!).

Sat 10 Sep, 10:00-11:00: The shooting of a certain well-known local radio celebrity: Only Chris (Tony) and Rachel Sloane needed. ***HAS ANYONE GOT AN AIR MATTRESS WE COULD BORROW FOR RACHEL TO COLLAPSE
Sun 11 Sep: No filming.

Sun 18 Sep: Buying a gun - E4 S1 p1-3 : Percy & Rita, Gunner Bates.

Using the gun (!) - E4 S3 p8-9 : Percy & Rita only.

POSSIBLY the bit inside Coes - E1 S2,4,5 p1-5 : Percy & Rita, Chris & Lucy, Coes shop assistant (Helen). [We'd have to start early as Chris (Tony) may have to be finished early, and the shop isn't confirmed yet.] OR OTHERWISE POSSIBLY all the Men In Black (just posing, no words to learn) : Dawson, Thompson, Damian (= MIB3), MIB4, Toby, any extra MIBs Chris G has found... [depends on everyone's availability]

Sun 25 Sep: E3 S3 p5-6: Mildred & Winnie only.

E3 S7 p8: Mildred &amp;amp;amp; Winnie & Uncle Harry only.

E4 S2b p7, E5 S1 p1: Bill & Bert only.

Early October: Probably a weekend off!

The bit outside Landguard Fort - E2 S3-6 p2-5 : Chris & Lucy, Dawson, MIB4, Head of Ops (Mr Big), Bill &amp;amp;amp; Bert, (and Percy & Rita very briefly). The arcade - E4 S2 & S2a p1-7 : Chris & Lucy, Micky & Jamie, Uncle Harry, Politician, possibly any MIBs, (and Rita very briefly).
Thanks for keeping interested! (Hopefully...!!)

Giles Meehan.
EDIT(03.01.06)********contact details removed***********

Felixstowe Scribblers Weblog Feed